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p.f.b.f.d. (PhD), Assoc. etc. Tugalov Farkhod Karshiboevich ( Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Modernization of modern education determines the purpose of the educational process. The educational system is a unique mechanism for bringing the leading way of perceiving reality to the level of public consciousness, which ensures the formation of a worldview in a person. Due to his knowledge of the laws of nature, man can change and adapt the things and processes in nature to satisfy his needs. “Today’s time demands raising science to a new level along with all fields. After all, it is difficult to solve the current issues facing the society without science. Comprehensive support of this field and scientists is one of the priority tasks of our state.” The main role in the process of forming a scientific worldview is focused on the generalization of knowledge. Scientific outlook is a complex, generalized education of social and individual consciousness. Therefore, generalization is organized as a result of intellectual activity in the realization of the process of cognition and is expressed in the form of imagination, scientific facts, concepts, laws, theories, scientific view of the world. Philosophers consider the process of generalization of acquired knowledge as the emergence of common concepts. In other words, generalization is drawing conclusions about the laws of society and nature. The structure of scientific knowledge is at two levels: empirical and theoretical. The levels of scientific knowledge themselves differ in a number of parameters: – on the topic of research. Empirical research is focused on phenomena, theoretical essence; – on means and ways of knowing; – on research methods. At the empirical level, this is observation, experience, at the theoretical level – a systematic approach, etc.; – on the nature of the acquired knowledge. In the first case, these are empirical facts, classification, empirical laws, and in the second – laws, revealing important connections, theories. In the future, the theoretical level will be built on the empirical level, which is related to the comprehensive study of reality in its important relations and regularities. Here, both types of research are inextricably linked and predetermine each other in the integral structure of scientific knowledge. It is known that science plays an incomparable role in the formation of a scientific outlook, especially fundamental sciences. Science is both a product of human cultural development and a condition for its development. With the help of science, man develops material production, perfects relations in society, educates and educates the new generation of human society, heals his body, and solves environmental problems. The development of natural-scientific knowledge and technology significantly changes the way of life, increases human well-being, and improves people’s living conditions. Literature
  1. Mirziyoev Sh.M. Scientific achievements are an important factor of development. “Khalk Sozi” newspaper, December 31, 2016.
  2. Gooding, D., Lennox, Dj. Mirovozzrenie: Dlya chego my jivem i kakovo nashe mesto v mire / D. Gooding, DJ Lennox ; per. English – Yaroslavl: TF “Nord”, 2001. – 384 p.