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Nodir Khanturaev Teacher of Department of theory and methodology of physical culture                                                                                                          Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after Abdulla Kadiriy Mobile phone: +99894 444-18-94 E-mail: Аннотация Важную роль в повышении общего уровня физической подготовленности студентов играет использование различных специфических физкультурных игр, в основном направленных на совершенствование техники и тактики в спортивных занятиях. Те виды упражнений, о которых мы собираемся упомянуть ниже, имеют множество преимуществ и могут улучшить физическое, психическое и социальное здоровье учащихся сегодня и в будущем.         Ключевые слова: специфические физкультурные игры, физические качества, общая физическая подготовка, голова вверх, спина прямая, бедра втянуты, колени от мата. Annotation          The use of various, specific physical education games mostly focused on enhancing techniques and tactics in sport activities play an important role in improving students` overall physical fitness level. Those kinds of exercises we are going to mention below have abundant benefits and can enhance the physical, mental and social health of students, today and long into the future.          Keywords: specific physical education games, physical qualities, general physical preparation, head up, back straight, hips in, knees off the mat.          Our research will serve to ensure the implementation of Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 3, 2017, No PP-3031 “On measures for further development of physical culture and mass sports”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 5, 2018, No. PF-5368 “On measures to radically improve the system of public administration in the field of physical culture and sports”,   Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2020, No. DP-6099 “On measures for the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle and further development of mass sports”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 3, 2020, No. PP-4877 “On measures to improve the training system and increase the scientific potential in the field of physical culture and sports”. Specific physical education games constitute the most acclaimed and popular games around the globe, and they should be included in the Bachelor of Physical Education. Most sports activities carry a risk of injury for students, thus general physical preparation of them is of paramount importance in preventing injuries, and specific physical education games play a leading role in improving the level of general physical preparation of students, to my mind. Practicing specific physical education games on a daily basis during Physical Education course is considered to be one of the best ways to enhance overall performance not only in the training, but also in the international competitions. They are able to prolong life, improve life quality and a significant component of weight management since they have a major influence not only on health, but also physical appearance as well as well-being. When we studied the attitude of coaches, trainers and students towards specific physical education games, found out that they have been utilizing them less often. All of them admit that these games play an essential role in the training process, and they have a will to use more than they are using now.                                                                       The aim of the article is to provide information on a set of specific physical education games which intend to be done either on the mat or at the stadium with                 a partner. These games given below are hugely recommended for the development of general physical preparation, as well as the following methods were used in the implementation of research:
  • pedagogical observation;
  • interviews;
  • analysis of scientific and methodological literatures on the subject;
  Students are shared into pairs, accepting a starting position on their knees. After the coach’s signal, they begin to touch each other by a palm to a shoulder. The task of each student is to touch the shoulder of the opponent many times as much as possible. The winner wins who will execute the greatest number of contacts for a minute. RULE Students should touch only by a palm (not fist or elbow) the designated part of a body of the opponent. It is absolutely forbidden to render strong painful impacts.  
One of the students lying in puts legs for width of shoulders. A student takes him by legs: such connection refers to as “wheelbarrow”, so “two wheelbarrows” compete. Their tasks are to touch the same hands of the opponent. One wins who will execute more contacts in short given time. A student loses if he or she who loses balance at first. RULE Students are strictly forbidden to rise on elbows and to fall on a stomach.
A successful general physical preparation of students leads them to the specific physical preparedness phase, particularly preparing them for a specific sporting event, such as World and Asian Championships. Coaches and students must comprehend that the ability to train and compete at high levels is earned as time passes, and developed through systematic increases in volume, intensity and preparation.
Freestyle wrestlers have to stand in pairs opposite to each other, and they try to discompose impacts of palms to the opponent. It is also allowed to play in sitting position on the floor. RULE The one loses who will set aside a leg after impact by palms.
Dedicating energy and time into more general physical preparation phases can be a very beneficial part of the overall health and physical performance of students at nearly every level. As we have mentioned above, general physical preparation focuses on mostly developing the foundation on which physical qualities and cardiovascular capacity are built.
Two freestyle wrestlers from different teams have to lie near each other on a back. After the signal of a coach, they have to jump on their knees and try to fall down each other on a wrestling mat. The winner receives one point. RULE The team which has taken more scores wins.                                                                                    
  CONCLUSION Organizing specific physical education games on a daily basis effectively and efficiently during physical education course at universities is one of the important means of general physical preparation. These games specifically approached can be used for the general physical devel­opment of students, mastering skills that are of paramount importance in all kinds of sports. Furthermore, those above-mentioned games will absolutely generate concrete fundamental skills in sports and teach mobilizing all spiritual and physical strengths and qualities students need in the international competitions. Students should think hard about their physical education and sport, as well as they should study workouts mostly focused on developing general physical preparation, and must learn everything in detail related to specific physical education games coach and trainer teaches and trains.   REFERENCES: [1]. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Physical Education and Sports” (new edition, 2015). [2]. The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed on June 3, 2017, № PK-3031. “On measures for further development of physical culture and mass sports”. [3]. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 2, 2017, № PR-3306 “On measures to further develop the national sport Kurash” [4]. Salomov R.S. “Theory and methodology of physical education.” Volume I, Textbook. ITA-PRESS. T. -2014 y. 297 pages. [5]. Adilov Sarvar Kakhramonovich, “Improving sports and pedagogical skills (Freestyle wrestling) textbook, Toshkent-2019; 197 pages. [6]. Общая физическая подготовка. Знать и уметь: учебное пособие / Ю. И. Гришина — Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2010. — 249 с.: ил. — (Высшее образование).