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Nodir Khanturaev Teacher of the Department of theory and methodology of physical culture Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after Abdulla Kadiriy E-mail:  Abstract. Being competent in your given sport is of utmost importance if you are to succeed. Competence brings confidence, and with both of these factors on your side, you will be ready to achieve your goals. The article covers that competence is of paramount importance in the formation of future wrestlers, as well as aims to substantiate the importance of general physical preparation and its development in the formation of competence of them. The effectiveness of the use of competencies in freestyle wrestling is ensured by general physical preparation, specific physical preparation, psychological preparation, technical preparation, tactical preparation as well as pedagogical skills. Among them, the importance of general physical preparation in forming competence for future freestyle wrestlers in secondary schools will be mentioned. Keywords: professional competence, general physical preparation, physical qualities, strength, endurance.   INTRODUCTION. Freestyle wrestling is one of the fastest-growing sports in Uzbekistan at present. Yet, many schools do not have freestyle wrestling as an intrinsic part of the school curriculum. I heard controversy among administrators about why schools do not have freestyle wrestling in their school’s curriculum, some of these reasons are: freestyle wrestling is too dangerous, the existence of national wrestling in the school’s curriculum, lack of material-technical base, and they have no one on their staff to coach or teach freestyle wrestling. It is an excellent sport for developing objectives such as educational achievements, mental activity, self-control, competitiveness, morality, sociality, and physical appearance. If an individual can develop all the above objectives through freestyle wrestling, it seems that freestyle wrestling should be included in schools in our country. Freestyle wrestling is recognized as one of the best athletic sports in terms of its ability to promote total physical fitness. It is not only excellent exercise but also a fascinating game. A new situation arises with every movement a freestyle wrestler makes, at one moment he is on the offense and at the next moment he is on the defense. Through freestyle wrestling, schoolchildren develop determination, self-confidence, the desire to win, and faith in themselves.
It develops athleticism It teaches discipline and accountability
It promotes personal responsibility It brings people together from all backgrounds and cultures
It develops mental and emotional resilience It promotes self mastery and focus
It teaches about nutrition and weight management It teaches self-defense
It develops leadership skills It can provide opportunities to travel and further education
  When it comes to being competent in sports, it is the belief in ourselves that we can take on any challenge, any task, confident in our ability to succeed, and willing to learn what is needed to achieve high results, and freestyle wrestling is no exception. Freestyle wrestling involves different areas of competency that directly improve performance.  Not only mental but also physical competencies demonstrate improvement in various sports including freestyle wrestling. Competence is not just having the skill, or natural ability, behind freestyle wrestling, but also the mindset behind being a freestyle wrestler. It is about being confident in your abilities, and if you are not, it is about learning what is needed to achieve your goal of confidence. Therefore, developing competence is essential if you want to succeed in every aspect of sports, as well as freestyle wrestling. A freestyle wrestling coach should start building his or her competence with smaller, easier tasks since developing and enhancing competence is a step-by-step process, and it can take a while. For a freestyle wrestling coach to have high professional competence, he or she is required to have not only skills and theoretical knowledge but also practical experience in all types of preparation in freestyle wrestling, particularly general physical preparation. THE MAIN PART. General physical preparation is mainly used to uplift the level of physical fitness, yet it must be directed toward a particular type of sport. If many people think of being physically fit, and healthy, Freestyle Wrestling is the first type of sport that crosses their minds. While Freestyle Wrestling’s training goal is to bring an athlete to a high level of physical fitness, it also is aimed at the person competing in international competitions where the wrestlers are incredibly fit. General physical preparation serves to enhance the quality of the set of movements that are not directly related to the competition, consisting of the important knowledge and skills not only for further technical-tactical but also physical preparation that helps to conduct training effectively. For instance, if a wrestler does not have enough aerobic endurance, he or she gets tired quickly when performing speed-strength exercises, in that case, GPP prevents such a situation. Exercises that increase the general physical preparation of secondary schoolchildren and the importance of these exercises are listed below:

Barbell squat

It is a dynamic strength training movement that requires the muscles of the upper and lower body to work together at the same time. It helps to develop your leg muscles and supports muscle building throughout the body. Also, adding squats to your workouts helps strengthen tendons, ligaments, and bones.

Hack Squats Machine

It is a machine exercise designed to train and strengthen the entire lower body, including the hips, hamstrings, quads, and core muscles. It is useful because the weight load is distributed at an angle to your center of mass. This reduces stress on the spine and allows more weight to be lifted overall. It can be included in training programs to increase functional strength and improve the stabilizing muscles of the legs.

Barbell Zercher Squat

It activates muscles throughout the posterior chain, including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles, while prioritizing the quadriceps on the front of the leg. On top of that, it promotes muscle hypertrophy and postural strength more than a standard body weight squat.

Barbell Deadlift

Jumping is a core key skill for freestyle wrestling, and jumping ability often reflects the overall development of lower body power.  Research suggests that deadlifts are among the most effective strength-training exercises for improving maximal jump performance. When it comes to effectively increasing metabolism through movement, studies suggest that resistance training with exercises like the deadlift may be among the most efficient methods to increase calorie burn.

Barbell Split Squat

The split squat is a compound leg exercise that works multiple muscles in your lower body, including your hip flexors, hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes. With proper form, split squats can increase leg strength and enhance flexibility. Also, as a single-leg exercise, the core is forced to work in overdrive to maintain balance.

Barbell Good Mornings

It targets many of the same muscles that a conventional deadlift develops but emphasizes more of the back, hamstrings, and hip muscles. It is the most popular movement of strength and strength training, as it works for many muscle groups. Not only that, but it improves body coordination and balance, as well as improves jumping ability.
  Some of the largest muscles in the body are in the legs, including the Gluteus Maximus (butt), Quadriceps (front of thigh), and hamstrings (back of thigh). As it is a larger muscle, more blood is needed to get oxygen and fuel to the muscle during exercise. These muscles are also located further from your heart than the muscles in your upper body, so your heart must work more to get blood sent to them. Leg workouts are an important aspect of training that builds strength, speed, and stability. It’s important to stay consistent with your leg workouts since these large muscles are an integral part of your overall fitness. The more you work out your legs, the more powerful they will become. An effective leg workout takes a lot of focus, determination, and control. It also takes a lot of time and patience to develop the proper form to perform for better results. Leg Day promotes a healthy mental discipline that could affect the way we think about our fitness goals. All the above-mentioned exercises aim to develop the physical quality of strength and mainly develop leg and back muscles.    
Chest workout with Barbell
As one of the largest muscles in your upper body, the pecs plays a major role in maintaining good posture. In addition to back and shoulder muscles, pecs help to stabilize the shoulder joint. In addition to improving posture, strengthening and lengthening chest muscles helps to support deeper breathing. That’s because the pecs are attached to ribs, which expand with every breath.

Upright Barbell Row

Building strong chest muscles is important not only because it will help you have a better physique, but also because it will help you with your every movement in freestyle wrestling. Exercises for the chest not only strengthen the muscles of the chest but strengthen and tone the muscles of the upper back. This is because these exercises are also effective for building the biceps, triceps, and deltoid.
The Power Snatch
Compound movements like the power snatch will help to build more muscle mass and gains. Loaded strength training will increase muscle protein synthesis, tearing down muscle fiber, and rebuilding it, resulting in more mass. As with any other resistance training or strength exercise, volume, load, and intensity are all critical factors in stacking on more gains.  The power snatch is a bilateral exercise, meaning it uses each side of the body, as well as several inter-dependent components and muscular systems, creating more force, core stability, and strength, resulting in better coordination and balance.
Rope Climb
As a freestyle wrestler climbs a rope, his or her arms are forced to extend and then pull the weight of the body higher. This creates a different dynamic on his or her arms that he or she may not achieve as effectively from his or her regular chin-up and pull-up. The grip is a limiting factor, which means lifts involving grip can only be done to the point of your max grip strength.
Battle Ropes
The majority of battle ropes exercises are considered explosive and highly dynamic compound exercises that train the majority of muscle groups located throughout the body, though with a particular focus on the core and upper back to an extent involved.

Sledgehammer Workouts

When a sledgehammer is used for strength training, it causes a freestyle wrestler to use the full range, multiple-joint movements focusing on acceleration, agility, coordination, speed, and mental toughness. It strengthens muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the wrist, elbow, and shoulder girdle. This is the perfect tool for freestyle wrestlers looking to strengthen those areas and increase explosive power.
Tire Flip
Like other exercises that require a great deal of strength, the tire flip also increases muscle strength and power. According to a 2017 study, flipping a tire requires the extension of the waist, the knee, and the ankle, thus being effective in the improvement of strength and power in these regions.
  CONCLUSION. GPP days are of utmost paramount importance to get to push the bodies of freestyle wrestlers since it is a training phase that lays the groundwork for future specific physical preparation (SPP).  It focuses on developing general qualities in the following areas: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, structure, and skill.  GPP is typically performed in the off-season to develop well-rounded, robust freestyle wrestlers. Trust us or not, the more secondary schoolchildren work on their general physical preparation by working on their weaknesses, the better they will perform on the short workouts. Most of them find themselves enhancing their lifts after adding GPP days to their training, thus believing in the importance of working on quality movements and exercises mentioned above that will make their whole body stronger. REFERENCES: [1]. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Physical Education and Sports” (new edition, 2015). [2]. Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On accelerating preparatory work for the successful participation of athletes of Uzbekistan in the next summer and winter Olympic and Paralympic Games” (February 14, 2022) [3]. Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On measures for the further development of Olympic wrestling” (July 29, 2022). [4]. Adilov Sarvar Kakhramonovich, “Improving sports and pedagogical skills (Freestyle wrestling) textbook, Toshkent-2019; 197 pages. [5]. Khanturayev, N. (2022). GENERAL PHYSICAL PREPARATION OF FREESTYLE WRESTLERS. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики6(6), 150-161. [6]. Sam N. Black, “A Wrestling Program for High School Physical Education”, 1965 [7]. [8]. [9]. necessary [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. [14]. [15]. [16]. [17]. [18]. [19]. [20].