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Teaching Reading skills

Giyosova Sevara A teacher at Djizakh State Pedagogical university Annotatsya Ingliz tilini o’rganuvchilarning aksariyati odatda o’qish qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirishda qiynalishadi va o’qiganlarini osongina tushuna olmaydilar. Boshqacha qilib aytganda, ular matn yoki kitobdan olingan ma’lumotlarni tahlil qilish va tushunishda qiyinchiliklarga duch kelishadi. Ushbu faktlar tufayli men o’qish strategiyalari haqida ma’lumotga ega bo’lishni xohladim, chunki bu ingliz tilining to’rtta ko’nikmalarining asosiy ko’nikmalaridan biri sifatida qaraladi, bu o’quvchilar tomonidan malakali til foydalanuvchilari bo’lish uchun yaxshiroq o’rganilgan. Kalit so’zlar: o’qish strategiyalari, o’qish ko’nikmalarini o’rgatish, skanerlash,o’qishni o’rgatish yondashuvlari, kalit so’zlari bilan o’qish.   Аннотация: Большинство изучающих английский язык обычно борются с навыками чтения и не могут легко понять прочитанное. Другими словами, им трудно анализировать и переваривать информацию из текста или книги. В связи с этими фактами я хотелa получить представление о стратегиях чтения, поскольку это считается одним из основных навыков из четырех навыков английского языка, которые лучше усваиваются учащимися, чтобы быть компетентными пользователями языка. Ключевые слова: стратегии чтения, беглый просмотр, сканирование, обучение навыкам чтения, подходы к обучению чтению. Аnnоtаtiоn: The majority of English learners usually struggle with reading skills and cannot easily comprehend what they have read. In other words, they have difficulty analyzing and digesting input from the text or book. Due to these facts, I wanted to have insight into reading strategies, as it is regarded as one of the main skills of four skills of the English language that had better learned by learners to be a competent language users. Kеywоrds: skimming, scanning, teaching reading skills, approaches for teaching reading.   Introduction. For many years, scientists of English education have been sea various ways to make easier, of teaching English, especially reading. They want to simplify the strategies of teaching as well as learning reading. It is said that if you yearn to be a perfect learner of any language, you ought to have a habit of reading enjoy learn enjoy from reading. This is because as humans, we are engaged in reading activities daily such as reading newspapers, books, magazines, and so on. Reading is concerned as one of the main skills that assets to widen the horizon of people with lots of information from all walks of throwline. Particularly, they get input related to academic subjects or news related to the latest events happening all around the world. The main aim of my review is that explain reading strategies as approaches to studying English and other languages. Before writing my literature review, I read several types of articles in terms of Reading strategies, but I want to emphasize mainly teaching reading skills. This is a fact that I am an ESL teacher who has lots of hurdles in teaching reading skills. Materials and Methods As Muhammad H.AI-Drees (2006) stated that reading is regarded as a receptive language process that assets to comprehend written materials effectively as well as accurately. It is one of the most crucial tools for all walks of life. [1.634] As teaching reading skills play a significant role to evaluate students’ academic competence in English language teaching, several learners struggle to understand and analyze books, magazines, and newspapers. Most of the time students get bewildered by what they have read, although they can find all answers to the questions. At the same time, instructors also have some difficulties in leveling up students’ reading skills. Students usually perform poorly in their both academic studies and everyday life. Hence, it is essential to show issues of learning reading with some potential solutions which can be implemented in the classrooms. In the article of Muhammad H.AI-Drees (2006), it is written that reading strengthens the mental ability of learners and also improves eye movement. [2.286] It always requires great concentration from the reader and improvises the communication skills of readers. It encourages learners to look up new words that are unknown from the context and enrich not only vocabulary resources but even grammar knowledge. As Douglas discussed (2001) that students should be taught how to use skimming, scanning, and critical reading in their reading exercises, otherwise they are likely to have struggled with understanding the meaning and dealing with the questions. What is the aim of teaching reading? – through reading, learners improve their English competence as well as broaden their outlook by having information about English-speaking countries. They learn about their culture and traditions and the latest technology by reading several texts. It advances their English knowledge subsequently, as the more they read, the more vocabulary they will have and they start using them in their both writing and speaking skills.   According to Muhammad (2006), there are two methods of conducting reading lessons which are: Approaches for teaching reading. 1 Pedagogical Approach
  • Communicative Approach [3.402]
From my understanding of the article, the Pedagogical approach is a type of method that is used to check students’ comprehension and it helps to impart vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to them. They will be handed a reading passage including comprehension questions. The reading passage will be a little bit difficult to understand. It should be more complex than the students’ level, they should read the passage and try to guess words. If they cannot figure out the meaning of the words, they should look at the glossary of the words that are given with *. These are called “primary glossaries.” In this method, they emphasized words and structures instead of teaching reading as communication. By giving a defining Approach, it is a method in which comparing sensible input and task-based learning could merge. As Nunan suggested (1988), we had better adapt the following 5 features as communicative language teaching. [4.614]
  • The target of the task should be directed to one operation in the SL of learners. These activities should be useful in conversations.
  • Use of authentic language in a real-life situation with a higher level of English.
  • The activities should be conducted as a communicative framework.
  • Instead of paying attention to mistakes, they should highlight fluency.
  • All the activities should engage all learners of the classroom and should be evaluated according to their impacts on learners.
                                     Results and Discussion. As it is written in most of the course books, Scanning and Skimming are one of the most important strategies that readers ought to develop to be effective readers. Therefore, I will explain both of the terms; Scanning – is a strategy that you usually use while searching for specific answers to a question. Unlike skimming, you read the text very quickly to find answers. Before skimming, you had better read the questions and find keywords. After that, you search speech patterns by moving your eyes quickly over the pages. Readers look for numbers, letters, proper nouns, steps, and words. Skimming – it is the way of getting the gist of the text. Readers quickly look through the texts so that they will have a basic understanding of the text. It is not reading word by word, it is reading faster than normal pace. People use this technique when they have limited time and must read lots of pages. It is a good way to be aware of what is written inside either books or documents. According to what you are reading, you can use skimming in various ways. For instance; You can read quickly just titles, and headings, or sometimes, it is enough to read the first and the last sentences of the text which reveals lots of information about the text. Hence, it is strongly recommended to read each sentence. Factors that make reading difficult for learners. The difficulty of the reading always depends on the level of the text. If the text is advanced, the vocabulary and its complex structure make it difficult for a reader whose level is lower than the text. These factors contribute to the comprehension of the learner and help them to get the message of the writer. Three main factors make reading difficult for the learner which are;
  • Vocabulary
  • Structure of sentences
  • Background knowledge of the students.
Vocabulary Whenever I observe my students, I witness that they will have adversities with unknown words or phrases. They prevent readers to understand the meaning of the reading. Because I motivate my learners to enrich their vocabulary resources. It enables them to comprehend the whole text. Structure of the sentence Apart from a lack of vocabulary, less knowledge of grammar structure also hinders students to understand the context. This is because the more complex the sentence, the more hardships students will have. Background Knowledge Cultural differences in the textbooks also play a crucial role, as learners may not have enough information concerning the Second language culture when they encounter expressions related to the culture. Not only students but only teachers cannot explain those terms and words to their students and are not able to participate in discussions without previous knowledge. Here is a diagram of my primary students’ responses to my questionnaire in terms of reading difficulties such as vocabulary, sentence structure as well as background knowledge;   It can be seen that out of 100% of students, 60 % of them have hardships with unknown words in the texts and it is obvious that without knowing the meaning of words, it is hard to get a gist of the whole text. Another factor is that 24% of students usually face sentence structure problems, as they do have not good grammar knowledge and cannot translate quite well the complex sentences in the text. The lowest percentage is related to the Background knowledge of students, as some of them can comprehend the context by reading text, while only 16% of them do not have any information about the culture of their Second Language. Strategies to develop your reading strategies It is always challenging for teachers to help students implement the theory into practice while learning Second Language. As most of the learners do not know how to use them by just reading word by word, line by line trying to understand every single word in the text. As instructors, we should teach them how to get the meaning of the word and utilize various appropriate strategies for diverse situations. There are a certain set of strategies that can be used by all students to read quickly and effectively; [5.564]
  • Previewing; reading titles, and headings, looking through photos if there is inside the text, and making an attempt to comprehend the structure and reading selection.
  • Predicting; relying on the previous knowledge of the subject to make assumptions regarding the context, and vocabulary.
  • Guessing from context; using context to understand the meaning of the unknown words by the way of reading around the text instead of looking up the words from the dictionary.
  • Paraphrasing; being able to paraphrase the given questions by using synonyms to find the answer from the text.
Conclusion: All in all, reading is an indispensable part of humans’ everyday activity, no matter whether they learn the language or not. But reading is essential to level up your language level which can enable readers to have more language knowledge. Lots of students struggle not to understand English magazines, books, newspapers, and articles. It urges teachers to be more creative and direct students on how to use these strategies in their reading process. They should provide enough materials, books, and resources for the learners to use in their learning experience and can create strategies to overcome reading difficulties. As an EFL teacher, I teach and urge my students to mix both strategies while reading articles related to their academic subject. Especially for my IELTS learners to answer the questions, as most of the students find it hard to comprehend complex text. References:
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