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Berkinov Alisher Abdurashidovich Teacher Jizzakh State Pedagogical University of Uzbekistan 4 Sharof Rashidov ., Jizzakh 130100, Uzbekistan E-mail: Abstract : Physics  in their classes  interfaol  teaching  methods  and  from the forms is used. From physics creativity, computer, professional games, competition, groups being teaching lessons such as in forms is being used. Physics science How deep if he learns student creative creativity ability appear will be Key words: Computer, activity, method, theory, experience, methodology, fact, time, education, training, process, thinking. All lesson types organize reach to the forms according to the following signs  with difference does:
  1. a) education receivers group;
  2. b) transfer place and time;
  3. c) education receivers activity forms and their order;
  4. g) education of recipients activity and of the teacher leadership method;
  5. d) education receivers activities control to do metodi and evaluation method Physics teaching  in the field  a lot  yearly  experience  mentioned above   achievements  with  one  in line the following that there are also shortcomings shows:
  6. To the program present time physics issues included to be and classic physics issues present time point of view in terms of statement to be done despite classically the rest
  7. Physics course topics statement  to do  educational mat e rials  statement  to do  ideological excess The texts are complex.  And this education recipients knowledge to get of the teacher time  opportunities it does.
  8. Physics in the course of mathematics because of the need for formulas more than used Te branishes and molekulyar – kinetik theory basics to this example be takes Such situation of the course science increase point of view calculatedeb in terms of  maybe , but in our opinion  of science  increase  physicist concept , law and events present time ideas based on sure and right from forming consists of
Also practical skill and of qualifications full formation  Politician  education done  increase is also required  level  there will be no unlit. General education  at school physics good learning this science perfect to learn basis is considered To physics about main laws and events not knowing stand up, natural sciences to learn entering it won’t be . Physics education of improvement the most important aspects the following : – teaching quality , work  and ethics education strengthen; – teachers and education recipients ‘ work  right assessment; – teaching diary life with to connect in practice strengthening; – education recipients social to gainful employment preparation improvement Physics teaching improvement m e todology this of the lesson structure , forms and organize reach methods, as well as physics teaching of the theory development laws and his the results done application  reach methods about doctrine. Physics methodology of teaching methodology another sciences like his own special offer  methods have  Research in this field methods the following includes: – education of issues analysis and them solution in reaching of physics study science as role to determine – advanced p e dagogic experiences learning , generalization and physics to education current use – physics education and p e dagogic practice of issues comparative analysis; – education  receivers  of psychology  to himself  characteristic  account  received  without, physics  teaching of the process  analysis, textbooks, teaching  tools  and metodic  to manuals  didactic requirements work output; – physics  teaching  history  analysis  reach  based on  physics metodic  development  ob’ectiv tendentions and laws to determine – the above based on Hypotheses to put and test them experimentally. Teaching content about word When you go , pay attention in our country education in the field happened important  to changes  focus  it is necessary Because education   system  structure  and  content in terms of reform to do for the purpose of ” Education about ” and “ Personnel preparation national about the program laws acceptance done. In these documents physics teaching also new to the tasks was approached and physics of education indispensable part d e b separately it was emphasized . Attached tasks done increase while education recipients high potential, educated, self mind, thinking with conscious in observation who runs free and hooray thoughtful people being e tooth for important contribution adds. That’s it from memory do not release, solidarity between countries only our in our country to education so approach done is increasing. Physics of teaching duties as from physics education in receivers scientific  thinking  in formation  main  place  take over  emphasized. In this  scientific- natural  to know cycle: facts from observation the problem to describe and from him Hypothesis offer (phenomenon model, concepts, laws and methods) hypothesis  makes sense development and theoretical prophecy do, theoretical conclusions exp e rim e ntal test and them in practice apply. Basis by doing received physics in learning basis therefore for main Science methodology, teaching methods source and organize doer part being is considered Teaching methods improvement education recipients from physics received knowledge quality only to increase maybe without help their talented, likeable, clever and spiritual y e tuk people y e bites  service for does. General education  in their schools physics  in the chair  political engineering   education  formation  and  education  recipients to work   of preparation  important  tools  practical  physics  issues  learning  is considered. To these  physics  of tools  work  process, machine  and of m e chanisms  movement to do rules, them of use physicist basics, people of the farm different in the fields physicist of events application enters. Physics science How deep if he learns student creative creativity ability appear will be General education in their schools sure and natural sciences to teach big attention of being given main this is the reason is considered Students  knowledge  in raising  practical  of training  place  very  big is considered  ie  practical  training  during  new  to the topic  about  knowledge strengthens and in practice how process to what is going on trust harvest does. Pedagogical  of technologies  main  task  students creative to thinking and knowledge  level  to increase directed . Used literature :
  1. Azizkhodjaeva N.N. Teacher specialty preparation Study Manual T., 2000.
  2. Joraev M. Physics teaching methodology ( general issues ) .- T.: TDPU, 2013 .
  3. Razumovsky V.G. The development of students’ creative abilities in the process of teaching physics. -M.: Education, 1975. -P.272.
  4. Makhmutov M.I. Organization of problem-based education in school. – M.: Education, 1977.-S. 240