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Professor Azamat Akbarov organized a seminar on “Modern approaches in the field of educational management and pedagogy”.

As you know, the CEO & Founder of Silk Road Research Academy, Professor Azamat Akbarov, visited the university. After the meeting with the Rector of the university, Sh.S. Sharipov, the professor conducted a seminar on “Modern approaches in the field of educational management and pedagogy” for heads of departments and young researchers. The seminar was full of interesting discussions. During the seminar, gave information about selection of university graduates on the basis of the systematic work on their placement and employment, preparation of scientific articles and their publication, modern models and implementation mechanisms of providing educational services, foreign experiences, language learning problems, intercultural communication and intercultural diversity. The participants of the seminar asked the questions they were interested in, and the seminar was full of lively discussions.