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Khotamov Jakhongir Abdumalikovich Teacher Bobomurod Muhammatov Dilmurod ugli Student  Jizakh State pedagogical university, Jizakh, Uzbekistan E-mail:    Tel: +998 (88) 329-88-93 Abstract. This paper discusses in detail the problems of sorting star classifiers on the basis of theoretical calculations, the problems of theoretical models in modeling astrophysical processes in planet formation, and the role of observational results in solving these problems. Keywords. Astrophysics, classifier, model, theory, observation, space, disk, viscous, photoelectric, star, planet, accreditation, optical   Аннатация. В данной статье подробно рассмотрены проблемы организации звездных классификаций на основе теоретических расчетов, проблемы теоретических моделей моделирования астрофизических процессов формирования планет и роль результатов наблюдений в решении этих задач. Ключевые слова. Астрофизика, классификатор, модель, теория, наблюдение, космос, диск, вязкость, фотоэлектричество, звезда, планета, аккреция, оптика   Annatatsiya. Ushbu maqolada yulduzlar klassifikatsiyalarini nazariy hisob-kitoblar asosida tartibga solish muammolari, sayyora shakllanishidagi astrofizik jarayonlarni modellashtirishda nazariy modellar muammolari va ushbu muammolarni hal qilishda kuzatuv natijalarining roli batafsil muhokama qilingan. Kalit so’zlar. Astrofizika, klassifikator, model, nazariya, kuzatish, kosmik, disk, viskoz, fotoelektrik, yulduz, sayyora, akkreditatsiya, optik __________________________________________________________________

Introduction. Typically, transition discs perform a weak hydrodynamic condition during the accumulation of gases and dusts in the range of planetary formation in space. This is a concept consistent with theoretical models. However, the results of several practical studies show that there are a number of shortcomings in the theoretical models.

None of the current theoretical models took into account the hydrodynamic conditions in which the planet formed. In particular, the photoelectric model, which is the most perfect of the theoretical models, also calculates the value of the mass accreditation rate, and the performance of this model is much smaller. The difference between the theoretical models and the observation results is explained by the fact that the viscous time measurements are less.[1] Comparison of theory with observation is a fundamental basis in the formation of the scientific worldview and the explanation of astrophysical processes. Explaining the properties of circular star disks, which allow significant accumulation of dust in the interior, can have a major impact on the process of planet formation. (James Murazell et al.) The length of this process causes the formation of the planet to accelerate or slow down. That is   explanation on a hydrodynamic basis ) The change in the velocity of the gases and dusts in the disk in space is equivalent to the disintegration of the planet. This shows that the process of planet formation in the previous process is important. In other words, the increase in the density of those with the highest accreditation rate during the formation of which planet also plays the most important role in the formation of a planet in transition. In explaining the gap period, it is necessary to calculate the trend. Statistics show that tracking other locations between 3-10 Myr will improve results.[2] Analysis: Two of the following seven youngest star clusters have a classic transition disk section (f hole) that is much lower than the other five locations. Some of this trend may be a general decrease in total disk function (f disk) over time. Because we count each disk in relation to the disk, not to the total star population. Figure 1. Clusters of young stars. In many sources, the transition phases were determined on the basis of spetral positioning, but were rejected based on other criteria. Nevertheless, they still show important evolutionary signs of the stage. Finding sources of active and weak excess transitions is based on exact spheral positioning. If the active excess sources show a constant excess emission at a wavelength of D = 3–8 μm, it will be much lower than the normal emission. Optical amplification is required. Weak redundant transition sources have two characteristics. Firstly, if they are not, their accumulation activity is significantly reduced, and secondly, these sources are associated with lower mass stars.[3] Figure 2. SEDs of two inner disk hole candidates identified from the spectral slope locus shown in Figure1(top two panels), plus one object satisfying only the short wavelength criterion (bottom panel). Diamonds are observed fluxes dereddened using the knownAVof each star and the Mathis (1990) and Flaherty et al. (2007) reddening law. Optical and IR photometry and stellar properties are reported in Flaherty & Muzerolle (2008). Solid blue lines are empirical photospheres constructed from the main sequence star colors from Kenyon. Hartmann (1995), normalized to the observedJ-band flux.[4] Figure 4. Distribution of spectral types for the classical transition objects identified in this paper. The distribution of spetral species is shown in Figure 4. Based on the data in the figure, the number of transition phases increases from G1 to ~ M5 and then decreases sharply.[5] We know that the period of operation of the protoplanetary disk until 1990 was studied by the excessive emission of infrared rays depending on its age. Of course this indicates a normal runtime of the disk up to (~ 3) Myr.  As a result of the development of theoretical models, it was calculated that the transition period would show its number. They do not have an emission of more than 10mm in wavelength, dust emission increases when the wavelength is high, and indicates no dust during the transition period.[6] Observations and samples: Clusters of young stars found on the basis of theoretical models based on the results of observations are being updated. Data obtained with the help of Spitzer’s infrared camera suggest that clusters of young stars formed according to theoretical models should be ignited. The Spitzer Formation sequentially sequences star-forming discs and clusters of young stars of spectral energy distributions ranging from 3.2 to 24 μm. Table 1
ID t (Myr) d (pc) Transition Disk Fraction
NGC 1333a <1b 320 1/66 (1.5 %)
L 1988c <1d 140 1/74 (1.4 %)
NGC 2068/2071e 1-3f 400 3/152 (2.0 %)
IC 348g.h 2-3i 315 12/99 (12 %)
OB1bj 4-6r 400 1/14 (7.1 %)
η Chak.l 5-9m 100 1/6 (17 %)
OB1a/25Orij 7-10n 330 1/6 (17 %)
  Conclusion: The gaps in the transition phase act as a filter of the disk and this process plays an important role in the formation of the planet. Hence, a significant increase in infrared light emission at high wavelengths proves that the cavity acts as a filter. Quantities such as hydrodynamics and infrared light emission should be taken into account when developing theoretical models. Planet formation processes are not observed in the same periods. It depends on the dynamic power of the young star. References
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[1] B.Ercolano, I.Pascucci 2017. The dispersal of planet-forming discs: theory confronts observations. R. Soc. open sci. 4: 170114 [2] James Muzerolle. The Astrophysical Journal, “Aspitzercensus of transitional protoplanetary disks with au-scale inner holes” 708:1107–1118, 2010 January 10.   [3] Alexander, R. D., Clarke, C. J., & Pringle, J. E. 2006,MNRAS, 369, 229. [4] C.F.Manara, C.Mordasini, L.Testi, J.P.Williams, A.Miotello, G.Lodato and A. Emsen-huber 2019 Constraining disk evolution prescriptions of planet population synthesis models with observed disk masses and accretion rates Astrophys. [5] Jaxongir A Khotamov, Mashxura A Ulasheva, Nozima X Jumanazarova, & Jasur A Juraboyev. (2020). Describe The Inconsistency Of Observational Results With Theoretical Models In Explaining The Evolution Of Planetary Disks. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research2(12), 110–115. [6] Lada CJ, Wilking BA. 1984. The nature of the embedded population in the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud—mid-infrared observations. Astrophys.