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Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal 

 Volume 2022 / Issue 5                                                                          CORRELATION OF TRANSLATION AND PRAGMATICS CONCEPTS Soybnazarov Navruzbek Mashrabboy o’g’li Teacher of English Department Jizzakh State Pedagogical University E-mail address: Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by 2030 Uzbekistan Research Online. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal by an authorized editor of 2030 Uzbekistan Research Online 209 Mental Enlightenment Scientific-methodological Journal September, 2022, № 5 ORRELATION OF TRANSLATION AND PRAGMATICS CONCEPTS Soybnazarov Navruzbek Mashrabboy o’g’li Teacher of English Department Jizzakh State Pedagogical University E-mail address: Abstract:  The  theoretical  significance  of  this  article  is  the  study  of  the achievements of pragmatics, as a relatively new branch of linguistics, to generalize them, the scientific analysis of theoretical views on its prospects. Translation is the art of recreation, a high artistic creation, even when it is a creativity, it requires research, hard work, patience from the author of the translation, is a creature that requires  hard  work  on  a  variety  of  materials.  It  also  introduces  the  concepts  of translation  and  pragmatics,  first  impressions  of  pragmatics,  its  purpose  and function. The meaning of the concept of translation is very broad, because “What is  translation  and  pragmatics  concepts?”  representatives  of  different  fields  give different answers to the question. The article comments in detail on each of the questions with the use of examples. Key  words:  pragmatics  concepts;  translation;  transfer;  reproduction  of  a text;  sense  of  commentary;  narration;  artistic  creation;  linguistic  translation; scientific-philological term; semantic; methodological adequacy of the text; INTRODUCTION If we look at the lexical meaning of the word translation, the translation is from the Persian word “tarzabon” to Arabic. “Tarzabon” means a beautiful speaker, orator, fluent man. The word “translation” was derived from this word, which was adopted into Arabic in the form of “translator”. Uzbek writers use such terms as 210   “transfer”,  “return”,  “turn”,  “overthrow”  to  express  the  word.  For  many  years, “translation”  has  also  been  used  in  the  sense  of  commentary,  narration, explanation. Later, the word took on the meaning of a type of artistic creation and became a scientific-philological term. In general, translation is the reproduction of a text written in one language or a speech spoken in another language. MATERIALS AND METHODS One  person  says  that  a  translation  is  to  translate  a  book  written  in  one language into  another  language,  while  another says  that  it is to  explain the idea expressed in one language to people who speak another language. According to a third  person,  movies  are  also  translated,  which  means  that  the  translation  is  to translate the speech of the actor playing the role in one language into the second third  and  so  on.  Approaching  translation  from  the  point  of  view  of  linguistic translation can be described as follows: Translation, a complex form of human activity, is a creative process of re- creating a spoken expression (text) created in one language on the basis of another language,  while  preserving  its  unity  of  form  and  content.  Hence,  a  verbal expression created by  means of the language to which it is replaced by such an expression, which is formed on the basis of the laws of the language of translation. In this way, the semantic and methodological adequacy of the texts of the original and translated languages is created. This definition refers to a process that takes place between languages, and much of human activity is related to this practice. For  this  reason,  “translation”  means,  in  the  eyes  of  most  people,  the  process  of translating a text from one language into another. All of the above comments about the translation have a soul. Because each of  them  serves  to  complement  the  general  understanding  of  the  translation  by describing it on the one hand. So, translation is a multifaceted, multidisciplinary, complex activity. Translation is one of the most ancient forms of human activity, thanks to which we can clearly imagine the history of human development in all its details.  211   Translation  is  a  powerful  weapon  that  serves  the  interests  of  friendship, brotherhood  and  cooperation  between  peoples,  the  expansion  of  economic, political, scientific, cultural and literary ties between them. Translation accelerates the process of interaction of literatures of different peoples.  Thanks  to  the  translated  works,  readers  will  enjoy  the  masterpieces  of world literature, their aesthetic feelings will increase, their tastes will grow, and they will have an idea about beautiful things. Translation, as a necessary tool for the perfection of languages, accelerates their development, increases and improves the richness of vocabulary. Translation enriches a person’s spiritual life, expands the possibilities of the native language, developing it. Thanks  to  the  translation,  the  reader’s  thinking  is  sharpened  and  enriched with  new  ideas  and  concepts.  Translation  serves  to  establish  new  attitudes  and views in society. Due to the translation, a new plot, genre is formed. Translation presents new images, artistic and visual means to the literature of the motherland. However, it should be borne in mind that the result of this process is also expressed  through  translation.  This  refers  to  the  secondary  text,  which  is  a translation of the original. The main feature of translation is that it is a word art. The fact that the word has the power to express an idea, the power of influence, allows the application of translation  at  the  level  of  art.  The  translation  should  also  take  into  account  the specific nature of the closely interrelated relationship between two peoples and two languages, two spiritual lives, two national cultures, two epochs and two writers. Regardless of the  text or speech being  translated, any  work  that  is  translated from  one  language  to  another  has  two  conditions  that  are  common  to  any translation:
  1. The purpose of the translation is to acquaint the reader or listener, who does
not  know  the  language  of  the  original,  with  the  text  of  the  work  or  the content of the speech as accurately and completely as possible; 212  
  1. Translation is  the  expression  of  something  expressed  by  certain  linguistic
means in exactly the same way as other languages. The practice of translation has emerged that the question of how to translate the original into the mother tongue is a problem facing translators, and when it comes to translation, of course, we see several variants of it. Including:
  1. a) from one  language  to  another  –  translation  into  a  sibling  or  non-sibling
  1. b) to translate from  a  literary  language into  one  of  its dialects  and  from  one
dialect into a literary language or from a dialect of one language into another literary language;
  1. c) translating from the language of antiquity to the present modern state of that
language; At  present,  the  above  types  of  translations  include  literal  translation,  creative translation, free translation, author’s translation, and a number of other translations. The main reason for this is the different approach to the translation process. But whatever the type of translation, any translation will have goals and objectives. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The purpose of the translation is to recreate the text created with the help of foreign language linguistic means on the basis of native language materials. To do this, the translator must first fully understand the original, and then use it fluently in his own language. In order to fully understand the artistic and aesthetic reality created  by  the  author,  the  translator  must  be  able  to  observe  a  wide  range  and correctly  understand  the  semantic  and  methodological-aesthetic  aspects  of  the linguistic  means  in  the  work  of  art,  as  well  as  a  clear  idea  of  the  writer,his intentions and goals should be clearly understood. As a result, the translation made by the translator should give the same impression to the reader who cannot read the work  as  the  original,  just  as  the  original  gives  the  reader  the  same  artistic  and aesthetic pleasure.  213   The reader considers the work, which does not arouse interest in translation, to be written by the author at a low level, that is, the incorrect translation confuses the reader. The  task of  translation is  to  recreate  the  unity  of  form  and  content of  the original using the means of the native language, carefully mastering the harmonies and differences between the lexical, grammatical and stylistic phenomena of the original  and  translated  languages.  Failure  to  adhere  to  this  principle  leads  to  a violation of the standard of accuracy and  expression in translation. If the author of the original is required to accurately reflect the reality, the translator is required to interpret the original accurately. There are two situations that occur in the translation process, namely, first, to  understand,  comprehend,  and  interpret  what  is  being  translated  in  order  to translate. This phenomenon occurs in the native language. Second, it is necessary to  find  appropriate  means  of  expression  in  the  language  in  which  the  work  is translated, namely words, phrases, grammatical forms. A comparative study of the means of different bilingual languages to create translational consistency requires identification of the aesthetic originality of the literary  text,  methodological  and  pragmatic  features  of  its  material-logical, emotionally expressive and figurative system, as well as stylistic basis. The methodological coloring of language units allows us to decide whether the  different  pairs  of  language  units  are  semantically-methodologically  and pragmatically compatible. Such an analysis of translation enriches the imagination and  views  in  this  area.  They  imply  pragmatic,  non-linguistic  factors,  including psychological,  sociological,  ethnographic,  national-historical  and  a  number  of other  aspects,  which  are  not  only  linguistic,  but  also  outside  the  structure  of linguistic knowledge, as well as a high level of knowledge of communicators. Such a research method makes it necessary to study as much as possible the functional-pragmatic  significance  of  the  language  units  in  the  work  and  their ability to be adequately translated in certain textual situations. 214   Translation, which is a separate type of interlingual communication, requires that texts of different languages be equally valuable in content. The need for coherence between the content of the original and the translated texts indicates that equivalence is a basic condition of translation. Only a translator who  has  mastered  the  secrets  of  translation  practice  and  is  well-armed  with  his theory can create translations equivalent to the original. As mentioned above, the evaluation of pragmatics in terms of performance is the  basic  law  and  norm  of  a  market  economy.  After  the  1950s,  a  pragmatic approach to linguistics became widespread. Pragmatics – new concepts and terms such  as  pragmatic  linguistics,  pragmalinguistics,  pragmaphonology, pragmaphonetics,  pragmagrammatics,  pragmasyntax,  and  under  these  concepts new  concepts  and  methods  of  analysis  related  to  a  new  approach  to  linguistic phenomena, their new interpretation have become widespread. Pragmatics  is  important  in  translation,  and  its  lexical  meaning,  when translated from the Greek word ‘pragma’, means action and work. The  term  “pragmatics”  was  coined  in  the  late  1930s  by  Ch.U.  Morris  as  a branch of semiotics. Morris divided semiotics into three parts:
  1. Semantics – explores the relationship of characters to an object;
  2. Syntax – explores inter-character relationship;
  3. Pragmatics –  a  section  that  examines  the  attitude  of  the  speaker  towards
language signs. Although these three areas are side by side in the initial comments, Morris later notes that the concept of “pragmatics” is much broader than the other two areas – syntax  and  semantics.  Some  sources  say  that  pragmatics  came  to  science  as  a philosophical concept. In particular, “Pragmatics is in fact a philosophical concept that  was used  even  in  pre-Socratic times  and  was  later  adopted  by  philosophers such as J. Locke and E. Kant from Aristotle. Thus a stream of pragmatism emerged in philosophy. The main period of development of this movement is the XIX-XX centuries. Especially in the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century, the widespread 215   promotion of the ideas of pragmatism began to be clearly felt. The services of Ch. Pierce, R. Carnap, Ch. Morris, L. Wittgenstein in the widespread dissemination of this propaganda in America and Europe should be noted [38, pp. 40-41]. The  emergence  and  formation  of  pragmatics  reinforced  by  the  ideas  of Ch.S.Pierce  as  a  field  of  linguistic  research  Influence  of  logical-philosophical theory of speech phenomena of J. Austin, J.R.Syorl, P.F.Stroson and others in the late 60s and early 70s started under. Charles Sanders Pierce (1839-1914) was one of the founders of the direction of philosophical pragmatism that dominated America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth  centuries.  The  main  idea  of  this  philosophical  system  is  to  study  the meaning of the semiotic sign (including the linguistic sign) in relation to the effect, results, success of the action performed through this sign. The author of this principle, Ch. Pierce, was one of the first to argue that the factor of the subject of communicative activity should be taken into account in the framework of sign theory. According  to  Pierce,  the  relationship  area  of  a  character  consists  of  three directions:
  1. a character, more precisely, a representative, a means of having a material
appearance that replaces something;
  1. the means in the mind of the perceiver and giving the description of the sign
– the interpreter;
  1. the object reflected in the symbol
CONCLUSION In  conclusion,  pragmatics is  a  field of  study  in  linguistics  that  studies  the movement  of  language  signs  in  speech.  Linguistic  pragmatism  does  not  have  a clear form. It includes a set of issues related to the speaker and the listener, their interaction in the speech process. The pragmatic potential of a text is characterized by  the  content  and  form  of  the  information.  Content  and  form  are  pre-existing means of expression in the language, and the author uses them only appropriately. 216   Only a translator who has mastered the secrets of translation practice and is well- armed  with  his  theory  can  create  translations  equivalent  to  the  original.  The translation, which is equivalent to the original, is itself pragmatic of the original features.   REFERENCES: [1].  Soybnazarov,  Navruzbek  Mashrabboy  ogli.  ‘’  Tarjima  va  tarjimada mukammallikning dolzarbligi’’. International scientific-practical conference. 2021. [2]. Soybnazarov, Navruzbek  Mashrabboy ogli. ‘’ Formation of communicative and  general  cultural  competences  of  students  in  russian  lessons’’.  ‘’Science  and Education’’ scientific journal. March 2022. [3].  Soybnazarov, Navruzbek Mashrabboy ogli. ‘’Improving essay writing skills in English’’. Respublika kofrensiyasi. 2022. [4]. Aznaurova E.S. Pragmatics of the artistic word. – Tashkent, 1988. – 7p. [5]. Alekseeva, I. S. Introduction to Translation Studies: a textbook. – 2nd ed., – M .: Academy, 2006. – 348 p. [6]. Drozdova T.V.Pre-understanding in the process of understanding a scientific text // Vocabulary in different types of discourse. M., 2003.60-68 p. [7]. Komissarov V.N. Translation theory (linguistic aspects). – M.: Higher school,
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