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Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute signed  Agreement on Cooperation with Belarus State Pedagogical University On May 20, 2020, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Belarus State Pedagogical University and  Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute (Jizzakh, Uzbekistan). This initiative was implemented by two Rectors of Higher Education Institutions, Alexander Ivanovich Zhuko and Shavkat Safarovich Sharipov. The Agreement provides for the establishment of a Faculty for joint curricula, in which Uzbek students will receive “Speech Therapy” (‘ Speech Therapy ‘) and “Applied Psychology”. The institutions also agreed on the exchange of students and teachers, internships, teacher trainings on the basis of both educational institutions, joint researches  in the field of Pedagogy and Psychology, joint methodological seminars in all pedagogical areas. An online meeting was also held on May 20 to discuss the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement by the Representatives of the two university working groups. Among the issues were discussed the algorithm of Entrance Exams to the Faculty, joint curricula, coordination of curricula and others. For information: BDPU is actively expanding cooperation with Higher Education Institutions of Uzbekistan. In particular, in September 2018 on the basis of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami was established  in cooperation with the Belarusian-Uzbek Training Center and the Belarus State Pedagogical University established the Faculty of Innovative Pedagogy , where is being taught the specialities  “Speech Therapy” (“Speech Therapy”), “Applied Psychology” »,« Preschool education », and« Primary education ».