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Fayzullayev Musobek Tursunkul o’g’li Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Abstract: This article provides ideas on mathematics teaching methods and teaching technologies in primary school, their relevance to the sciences, and improving teaching effectiveness. Keywords: Pedagogy, psychology, elementary mathematics, brainstorming, mentally, geometry The methodology of teaching mathematics first of all sets the task of teaching and educating young students in the general system. The general methodology reflects the content and structure of elementary school mathematics, teaching each section its own specific methods of teaching. The special methodology shows the basic methods and forms of teaching mathematics, as well as ways to organize educational activities. It is well known that teaching is inextricably linked with upbringing. This methodology teaches ways to combine teaching with parenting. The methodology of teaching elementary mathematics is closely related to several disciplines. 1) With mathematics as the basis of teaching; 2) Pedagogy; 3) Psychology; 4) With other teaching methods (native language, labor …). An elementary mathematics course has become a subject. Teaching tasks of primary mathematics teaching methods: 1) to carry out educational and practical tasks, 2) cover the process of studying the system of theoretical knowledge; 3) teach students how to shape their worldview; 4) humanization of education; 5) in the process of teaching mathematics, a person shows love for work, cultivating such qualities as self-worth, mutual respect; 6) Teaching methods show teaching in connection with the content of mathematics of V-VI grades, which is a continuation of mathematics of I-IV grades. The task of the elementary mathematics course is to “use new technologies in teaching students the basics of science, to provide them with modern socio-economic knowledge, to guide them to life, career, to teach them to make informed choices.” to help solve tasks . Thus, like any other subject, the purpose of teaching mathematics in an elementary course is determined by the following three factors:
  1. The general educational purpose of teaching mathematics.
  2. The educational purpose of teaching mathematics.
  3. The practical purpose of teaching mathematics.
The general educational purpose of teaching mathematics is to:
  1. a) to provide students with mathematical knowledge based on a specific program. This knowledge should provide students with sufficient information about the science of mathematics, preparing them to study the higher branches of mathematics. In addition, on the basis of the program, students should learn to check the reliability of the knowledge acquired during the reading process, to master the basic methods of control.
  2. b) students’ oral and written mathematical knowledge will need to be structured; The study of mathematics should help students to develop the culture of speech in their native language, to express their thoughts clearly, concisely and succinctly.
  3. d) to teach students to know real truths based on mathematical laws. By imparting such knowledge, students’ spatial imagination is formed and their logical thinking is further developed. The educational purpose of teaching elementary mathematics is to:
  4. a) formation of scientific outlook in students.
  5. b) fostering students ’interest in learning mathematics. The task of the primary school teacher is to form in students the ability to think independently logically, as well as to instill in them an interest in learning the laws of mathematics.
  6. d) formation of mathematical thinking and mathematical culture in students. The phrases, action signs, concepts, and laws between them taught in math classes teach students to think in detail. The practical purpose of teaching mathematics in primary school is to:
  7. a) to teach students to apply the knowledge acquired in mathematics to solve elementary problems encountered in everyday life, to teach students to solve practical problems designed specifically for the formation and strengthening of skills in performing arithmetic operations,
  8. b) formation of skills in the use of technical means and visual aids in teaching mathematics. The focus is on building students’ ability to use spreadsheets and calculators.
  9. d) to teach students to acquire mathematical knowledge independently. Students should be able to open legal relationships as independently as possible, make generalizations to the best of their ability, and learn to draw oral and written conclusions. A necessary and important condition for the effectiveness of teaching is the control over the students’ mastery of the studied material. In didactics, various forms of its implementation have been developed. This is an oral questioning of students; supervision and independent work; methods such as checking homework, tests, testing using technical means. In didactics, the issues of expediency of using this or that form of control, depending on the type of lesson, the age characteristics of students, etc., as well as the methodology of control are developed in depth. Independent and control work in the methodology of teaching mathematics in primary school, effective means of conducting individual written surveys of students. Some didactic materials are designed to control the mastery of a limited range of program problems in a rating system, while others are designed to control all major topics of an elementary school math course. Some didactic materials (especially those designed for low-income schools) contain more teaching materials, while others contain more materials for supervision. In elementary school mathematics, all didactic materials are classified according to the complexity of the overall assignments . According to the idea of the compilers of these materials, the performance of a method of assignment on a particular topic testifies not only to the fact that the student has mastered the subject, but also to the extent that he has mastered it to a fully defined level. In practice, teachers often say that one method of an assignment is simpler or more complex than another. Moreover, no matter how artistically structured the didactic materials are, no matter how productive and in-depth ideas are implemented in their content and structure, they are still not able to solve all methodological tasks quickly because no teaching machine can use a teacher’s intuition. , that is, he cannot change his feelings. Thus, didactic materials should be considered as one of the ways to control the level of students’ mastery of educational material. However, a particular method may not be the best method for this class, this teacher. Therefore, didactic materials cannot save the teacher from creating control types for individual examination that allow students to determine their level of knowledge acquisition. This is one of the main tasks of general methodology. Preparing students to study a mathematics course. In solving the educational tasks, which are the main task of teaching mathematics in grades I-IV, it depends on the level of their readiness for the course of mathematics. Therefore, the task is to determine the knowledge of the first graders, to equalize the knowledge of the class students, that is, to convey the knowledge of the students with low knowledge to the students who know them well. The teacher takes into account the knowledge of students in a special notebook in the following order:
  10. Knows how many to count?
  11. How many numbers does he know to add?
  12. How many numbers does he know to subtract?
  13. Can you find these unknowns in addition and subtraction given by unknowns?
5 . Knows the names of which figures and can draw? 6 . How many numbers can you write? 7 . Can you distinguish right, left, less, more, heavy, light, equal? 8 . Can money, price, hour, minute, length, weight be handled in units of measurement? The main method of work in preparing children for teaching should be aimed at developing the skills to perform mental operations such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, stratification. Such work greatly helps students to develop oral and written speech, increasing their interest in mastering mathematical knowledge. Today in a number of developed countries there is a great deal of experience in the use of pedagogical technologies that increase the learning and creative activity of students and ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. referred to. Below we discuss the essence and use of some of the interactive methods used in practice. The method of “intellectual attack” This method is aimed at ensuring the activity of students in the classroom, encouraging them to think freely and freeing them from the inertia of the same thinking, the collection of diverse ideas on a particular topic, as well as creative serves to learn to overcome the ideas that arise in the early stages of the task-solving process. The method of “brainstorming” was recommended by AFOsborn, the main principle and condition of which is to strictly prohibit criticism of the ideas expressed by each participant in the training, to encourage any bites and jokes. The aim is to ensure the free participation of students in the learning process. The use of this method in the educational process will depend on the pedagogical skills of the teacher and the breadth of thinking. References
  1. “National Training Program” of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Harmoniously developed generation – the basis of development of Uzbekistan. – Tashkent: Sharq Publishing and Printing Concern. 1997.
  2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” (adopted on August 29, 1997) / Harmoniously developed generation – the basis of development of Uzbekistan. – Tashkent: Sharq Publishing and Printing Concern. 1997.
  3. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of state educational standards of general secondary education” (August 16, 1999) / Public education j. 1999. № 5