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As you know, a working group consisting of officials from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education is conducting a critical, analytical study of the processes related to the quality and effectiveness of Education in all Higher Education Institutions in the country. Today, working group headed by the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education A. Tashkulov and the Head of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education U.Tashkenbaev visited Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. The guests first took part in a presentation prepared by the vice-rectors of the institute on the internal possibilities and conditions of the university. The vice-rectors provided information on the work done in their areas, in particular, the educational process, cooperation between the community and the institute, the activities of tutors. During the visit, they also got acquainted with the activities of STEAM Park, IT Incubation Center, Training Laboratories, IRC, Palace of Culture. After that, a meeting was held in the Conference Hall of the institute with the participation of representatives of the regional administration, officials of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Education Inspectorate, Rectors, Heads of regional departments of preschool and public education. The meeting was opened by the head of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education Ulugbek Tashkenbaev. He also spoke about the two-day study, training, problems in the system, cooperation between pedagogical institutes and public education departments, the organization of healthy competition between them and the introduction of the 4 + 2 system. expressed their suggestions. “What is the worldview and knowledge of today’s student? Does he deserve the title of student? I rush to talk to each student to find answers to these questions that bother me during the meetings, I look into their eyes … I want to see students with fire in their eyes, young people with high thoughts and knowledge … this is not only me, but it is the dream of the parents who hope for their children`s future. And the realization of these noble intentions is entrusted to you and us … we must bring them up as educated and open-minded people ” said Minister A.Tashkulov At the end of the meeting, which was held in the form of an open dialogue, representatives of all universities in Jizzakh region also expressed their views on the topic. The working group consisting of officials from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education conducted a study for 2 days.   Information service of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute