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“Back to student period” project was held at the dormitory.

My student days, The greatest of all times. You are the spring of life, You are the summer of life… Everyone who listens to this song, which has already become the anthem of students, remembers their student years at least once. They remember the hardships and happy moments of those days with a strange longing. They remember and miss those unforgettable days that left an indelible mark on your heart, the “golden age”. It is no wonder that the leaders of various organizations invited to the “Back to Studentship” project organized by the Youth Union of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University in dormitory No. 1 were also united by that longing. In this project, which gathered students, young people and professors around the bonfire, the guests noted that they are envious of today’s young people. They advised to make good use of the created opportunities. Youth is curiosity, a careless step that will ruin your life. They recommended not to indulge in “cravings” that waste precious youth. They shared interesting memories of their student years. Musical performances performed by students did not leave anyone indifferent. So, those gathered here really felt the happiness of being students.