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The 13th international conference on “TEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS – (FLTAL)” is planned to be held on November 29-30, 2023, hosted by Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. Today, the official opening ceremony of the international conference took place in the conference hall of the university. More than 70 strong expert scientists are participating in their presentations in cooperation with more than 20 foreign and republican universities. Professor Azamat Akbarov, founder of Silk Road Research Academy and FLTAL conference, opened the conference. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of this conference in teaching foreign languages and the issues of practical linguistics.   The Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Sh.S. Sharipov continued the introductory part. In his speech, Sh.S. Sharipov talked about the development of foreign language teaching, improving the quality of education, improving the skills and qualifications of young students in learning foreign languages, comparative study of foreign languages, and progress abroad. He focused on priority tasks such as using the innovative pedagogical experiences of other countries and creating a foreign language teaching methodology based on this. Plenary lectures by specialists from foreign and republican universities are scheduled to be held today. On November 30, during the 2nd day of the conference, the lectures will continue in different sessions in the branches.