Students who are awarded the state scholarship the named state scholarships in the 2021-2022 academic year
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Akhmedova Mashkhura Khudoyberdi qizi-is a winner of the state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She is a 4-year student in the direction of English language and literature at the Faculty of foreign languages. Her supervisor is doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc), Associate professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turon R.B.Yarmatov. She participated in the Republican and international Olympiads and contests and won many achievements. She has more than 30 scientific works on the scientific research “The role of intellectual games in the preparation of future English teachers”. In 2021, the monograph “Specific approaches to the methodology of teaching English at Higher education system” was published in India. |
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Murodqosimova Shodiya Xolmamat qizi-winner of the state scholarship named after Islam Karimov. She is a 4-year student in the direction of teaching methods of Computer Science at the Faculty of mathematics and informatics. Her supervisor is X.E.Tangirov. In 2019-2021 more than 15 articles were published in scientific-practical conference collections and scientific journals of the Republic and international scale. She is the winner of the Republican Olympiad on computer graphics in 2020, winner of the “Jizzakh pride-2021” prize and a member of the “Golden fund” notebook for young people. |
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Mahkamboyeva Shakhrizoda Khusan qizi-winner of the state scholarship named after Alisher Navoi. She is a 3-year Student of the Faculty of pre-school education in the direction of foreign language in preschool and primary education. Her supervisor is doctor of chemical sciences., prof. Z.Z.Yayshiyeva. She was awarded the 1st place in the International Competition “Best Young Scientist of the year-2021” among CIS countries in the city of Nursultan, Kazakhstan. Winner of the Nomination “Best initiator-propagandist student of the Year” in the Republican contest “Student of the year-2020”. She was honored 1st place in nearly 10 international competitions and Olympiads. More than 10 Creative Works have been published in more than 15 magazines and newspapers of our republic and international prestigious journals. |
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Mamarasulova Muqaddas Abulqosim qizi-winner of the state scholarship named after Alisher Navoi. She is a 3-year student of the Faculty of foreign languages in the direction of English language and literature. Her supervisor is S.V.Sadikova. In 2021, about 20 of her articles were published in the collections of scientific-practical conferences and scientific journals of the Republican and international scale. In 2022, in order to introduce to the world the creativity of the writers of the territory, Abulkasim Mamarasulov, a well-known writer in Jizzakh, translated the stories into English and published them in the form of a book in the USA. |
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Navruzova Yelena Pavlovna-winner of the state scholarship named after Alisher Navoi. She is a 3-year student of the Faculty of Russian language and literature in the direction of Education of Russian language and literature. Her supervisor is Assistant Professor O.A.Kim. Her more than 20 scientific-methodical articles have been published in the collections of scientific-practical conferences and scientific journals of the Republican and international scale. Also the author of the stories “Topvoldi”, “Qor ko`chkisi”, “Monitor ortida”. On May 16-27, 2022 the winner of the Republican essay contest “We will build a new Uzbekistan with our own hands!”. |
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Muxtorova Hafiza Ixtiyor qizi- winner of the state scholarship named after Alisher Navoi. She is a 3-year student of the Faculty of foreign languages in the direction of English language and literature. Co-authored with her supervisor, Assistant Professor I.T.Rustamov, published a textbook “English for correspondence students of Pedagogical Institutes”. She won the 1st place in the international competition “Лучший молодой ученый – 2021” in Kazakhstan within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States through her scientific article “Teaching English to students with autism” and awarded a badge and a diploma. |
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Kavulov Jurabek Mumin o‘g‘li- winner of the state scholarship named after Alisher Navoi. He is a 3-year Student Of The Faculty of History in the direction of History and methods of teaching it. His supervisor is the doctor of philosophy in historical sciences (PhD), Assistant Professor F. Sh.Akchaev. His more than 10 scientific and methodical articles have been published in conference collections and scientific journals at the Republican and international level. It is also noteworthy that his research work on “Customs and traditions of the population of the Jizzakh Oasis” is being carried out. He created an electronic textbook mobile application on the topic of the research work. He is also the leader of the intellectual club “Zakovat” in the Institute. |