Chief Auditor

Chief Auditor: Nurullaev Ahror Oblaqulovich
Telephone number:
Email address:
The position of chief auditor at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after Abdulla Qadiri was introduced in accordance with Decision No. 4, 3-2020, 2-2020-k/q dated January 23, 2020 on amendments to the decision “On approving the model staff of administrative, technical, service and teaching assistants of higher education institutions” of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the order No. 191 of March 13, 2020 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Nurullaev Ahror Oblakulovich has been working at the university since June 2, 2020, as the chief auditor.
The chief auditor has the following rights:
- Getting acquainted with draft orders and decisions related to the activities of the higher education institution;
- In order to organize independent, objective, reliable and effective control, monitoring and prevention activities related to the activities of the higher education institution, to obtain information from the software base of the departments (accounting, marketing, personnel department and other educational, methodological and scientific departments)of the higher education institution;
- To have a personal login and password to use the database of software for the purpose of regular monitoring and preventive works (UzASBO);
- In the course of fulfilling their rights and obligations, to report to the head of the higher education institution within the scope of their powers about the deficiencies identified in the activities of the higher education institution in terms of structural structures or individual employees and to eliminate them.
- To request the necessary information and documents for control and monitoring from the employees of the units personally or with the instructions of the supervisor;
- Recruiting specialists from structural units in HEIs to solve assigned tasks;
- To request the assistance of the management of the higher education institution in fulfilling its obligations and rights;
- To provide written information to the management of the higher organization in cases where deficiencies committed by the head of the higher education institution in the course of fulfilling the rights and obligations within the authority of the position are revealed.
The following are the main duties of the chief auditor:
- Direct participation in the formation of the budget and non-budgetary funds of the higher education institution, income and expenditure estimates in accordance with the current normative documents and control their execution;
- Correct use of the wage fund, correct determination of wages by positions, compliance with budgeting, cash and payment discipline, wages and equivalent payments, scholarships, business trips, constant monitoring of the correctness of calculation and payment of payments, as well as the targeted use of funds through primary documents and UzASBO software;
- Monitoring and controlling the fulfillment of the terms of the signed contracts whether they are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On State Procurement” for the purchase of goods (work, services) and tender (competition) for the needs of the higher education institution at the expense of budget and extra-budgetary funds;
- Study the validity of the debtor and creditor debts that have arisen and take measures to eliminate them;
- Active participation in the processes of conducting an inventory of goods, cash, securities, fixed accounts and other tangible and intangible assets in a higher education institution, as well as their compliance with current regulatory documents, is ensured by the relevant organization;
- Ensuring that deficits and surpluses determined as a result of the inventory of goods and money or as a result of other control and monitoring activities are entered in the established order;
- Analyzing cases of shortages, looting of money and goods, and carrying out preventive measures to prevent them;
- On issues of preventing unjustified accounts receivable and accounts payable, strengthening the budget, budget and personnel discipline, the use of budget funds, increasing the efficiency of purchasing goods (works, services), as well as cases of violations, gives (written) recommendations to the head of the higher educational institution to eliminate the causes and conditions that allow the commission of the offense.