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Students of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature demonstrated their ingenuity in the “Zakovat” game dedicated to the 583rd anniversary of Alisher Navoi’s birth.

Today, an interesting intellectual game “Zakovat” was held at the faculty of Russian language and literature, which brought together students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. Nine teams from different disciplines participated in this active competition and demonstrated their best intellectual abilities.

According to the result of the game, the 2nd year students who combined their skills and knowledge under the name “Comet” were declared the clear winners. This team not only demonstrated high-level training, but also deserved the title of “Zakovat” champion. The second place was taken by the 2nd year team known as “The best”. In the end, the 3rd place was won by the “Doveriye” team of the 2nd year with excellent teamwork.

The winners were awarded with diplomas in recognition of their achievements and high results in the intellectual competition. This game became not only a place for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, but also strengthened friendship between the participants.

Students thanked the organizers for the opportunity to show themselves in intellectual battles, as well as for the wonderful atmosphere and support of the audience. The game “Zakovat” demonstrated that the faculty of Russian language and literature not only appreciates the educational process, but also develops and educates students’ creative and intellectual qualities.