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Rabbi Yusupov, associate professor of the Department of Computer Science and Digital Educational Technologies, candidate of technical sciences, holder of the “Excellent Public Education” badge, turned 65 years old.

Rabbim Mikhliyevitch Yusupov has published about 130 scientific and methodological works during his career. In particular, about 40 scientific-practical, scientific-technical, scientific-methodological theses were published in the collection of materials of republican conferences, 18 articles in republican scientific-methodological journals on the list of the Academy of Sciences, 11 articles in the collection of materials of international conferences in foreign countries, the CIS and our republic, 16 articles in scientific journals of foreign countries and the CIS, 14 articles in scientific journals of foreign countries and the CIS on the list of the Academy of Sciences. He has published 3 educational, 15 educational-methodological and methodological manuals and 2 monographs on the basis of co-authorship. He has received 12 patent certificates from the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Rabbim Mikhliyevich Yusupov participated in the competition announced by the “Iste’dod” Foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2005 and was recognized as the winner in the “Best Coach of the Year” nomination and was awarded a 1st degree diploma (1st place) and souvenirs.

Participated in the 8th Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects in 2015 and received the diploma “Author of the Best Idea”. The university management and the trade union committee congratulated Rabbim Yusupov on his anniversary and presented him with souvenirs. At the solemn meeting, the university team expressed their congratulations to Rabbim Yusupov.