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The winners of the “battle of ideas” were selected

“My startup idea” project competition was held at the university in order to meaningfully organize young people’s free time, to further improve their skills in working with scientific and innovative startup projects. The competition aims to search for and identify innovative ideas of talented young people, start-up projects, and develop effective mechanisms of interaction between science, education and business. At the beginning of the event, the department of the organization of scientific research activities of the talented students of the university explained the requirements of the contest, expected results and evaluation criteria to the participants. After that, the students presented their projects to the jury. In particular, Feruza Nurmamatova, a student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, aims to introduce an ancient and unique plant of the People’s Republic of China, to effectively use the medicinal properties of this plant, and thereby achieve economic efficiency. Mizrob Husanov, a student of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, offered quality services to the population by organizing “smart parking lots” in order to prevent traffic jams in cities. O’tkir Kazakov, a student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, aims to prevent waiting in line in banks and the resulting dissatisfaction with his startup idea. A total of about 20 participants in the competition were evaluated by the jury based on such criteria as innovativeness of the project, viability of the project, introduction to production, economic efficiency of the project, opportunities to create additional jobs through the project. According to the jury’s conclusion, the following students won the honorable places: 1st place – Feruza Nurmamatova, student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences; 2nd place – Nargiza Gurbanbayeva, student of music education; 3rd place – Mizrob Husanov, a student of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. Of course, this event aims to support the results and initiatives of the innovative activities of gifted and talented young people by the state, to create the necessary conditions for their scientific research, and to attract them to science. The department of organization of scientific research activities of talented students of the university has always created conditions for young people in this regard.  


engineer of the department of organization of

scientific-research activities of talented students.