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I was proud to wear the ribbon of honor.

“Ribbon of honor” sharing action was held at JSPU.

In order to awaken the feelings of gratitude and love for the country and motherland in our peaceful and peaceful life today, the “Ribbon of honor” sharing action was held with the participation of active students and tutors.

Teachers and students coming to work and study early in the morning were given ribbons with the image of the national flag of Uzbekistan, representing the honorable heroism of the defenders of the Motherland during the “Ribbon of Honor” sharing action dedicated to the “Day of Remembrance and Appreciation” across the university yard. Such events remind once again that the bravery and bright memory of our ancestors who participated in the Second World War will not be forgotten. In addition, it strengthens our respect for war veterans and labor veterans. This, in turn, is more important because it raises the feelings of patriotism, courage, and bravery in the hearts of the young generation.

– Wearing the “Ribbon of Honor” on my chest, I once again felt proud of our ancestors who fought for peace, for today’s prosperous days, – says Honorary Teacher, Associate Professor Dilorom Khozhimetova – The work of those who worked hard on this path is great and the memory of those who sacrificed their lives in this way is dear.