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The final stage of the Science Olympiad in chemistry and biology has begun at JSPU.

According to the results of today’s Olympiad, 3 winners will be accepted as students.

The 10 students who were selected and scored the highest points in the regional stage of the chemistry and biology science Olympiad held among the graduating classes of general education schools in our region are participating in the final stage of the higher education institution.


It is noteworthy that students who scored the highest points and won the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the final stage of the Olympiad of the multi-level higher educational institution will be admitted to the university.


Students recommended to study continue their education on the basis of a grant at the expense of the university. The representatives led by the vice-rector of scientific affairs of the university G. Kadirov wished good luck to the intelligent and knowledgeable students who are fighting hard to become students, and gave detailed information about the rules and regulations..