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“Enlightenment Square” competition was held among students

Universitetning Madaniyat saroyida fakultetlar jamoalari o‘rtasida “Ma’rifat maydoni” tanlovi o‘tkazildi. Tanlov talaba-yoshlar o‘rtasida ajdodlar merosini o‘rganish, “Enlightenment field” competition was held among faculty teams in the Palace of Culture of the university. The purpose of organizing the contest is to study the heritage of ancestors among students and youth, to widely promote the creative heritage of our famous writers and thinkers, to further increase the interest of students and youth in literature, and to create opportunities for them to demonstrate their talents.

In the contest the team “Educators” of the faculty of Uzbek language and literature won the proud 1st place, the “Marifatparvar” team of the Faculty of Foreign Languages won the 2nd place, the “Ziya Chashma” team of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology won the 3rd place, “Avicenna” team of the Faculty of Natural Sciences took 4th place, the “Zakily” team of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature won the 5th place. The “Educators” team of the faculty of Uzbek language and literature won a ticket to participate in the 2nd regional stage of the competition.