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International Psychologists Day was celebrated at JSPU.

The “Psychologists’ Day” was established by the Society of Psychologists in Moscow on November 22, 1994. Since 2000, it has been celebrated internationally as the Day of Psychologists. The event organized by the Department of General Psychology of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology was held on the occasion of this day. The event was opened by S. Nazarkasimov, the first vice-rector for youth issues, spiritual and educational affairs of the university. In his speech, he congratulated the owners of the heart who are ready to give everything to others who are whether he is familiar or unfamiliar, for people who are seeing him for the first time in their life, for their future. About 25 thousand psychologists work in our country today. 25 psychologists work in the Department of General Psychology. At the moment, the psychological service and psychodiagnostic center under the Department of General Psychology has been operating since 2023. Sometimes people find the kindness, generosity, humanity, sincerity, selflessness that they didn’t find in their loved ones from a psychologist-polarologist. During the event, performances by the students and games, “board of dreams” and “wearing a crown” were of interest not only to the students, but also to the teachers.