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Zarmasov SH Student Abdullaeva X.G’.
Student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of JDPu
Abstract: This article describes the importance of reflection in the development of professional pedagogical training of future teachers, the theoretical views of future teachers on self-confidence, increasing the need for pedagogical activity, the formation of creative motivation.
Keywords: reflection, professional pedagogical training, self-confidence, motivation, emotion, success, creative thinking.
Annotation: V dannoy state raskrыvaetsya znachenie refleksii v razvitii professionalnoy pedagogicheskoy podgotovki budushchix uchiteley, teoreticheskie vzglyadы budushchix uchiteley na uverennost v sebe, povыshenie potrebnosti v pedagogicheskoy deyatelnosti, formirovanie.
Keywords: reflection, professional pedagogical preparation, confidence in yourself, motivation, emotion, success, creative thinking.
Annotation: This article describes the importance of reflection in the development of professional pedagogical training of future teachers, the theoretical views of future teachers on self-confidence, increasing the need for pedagogical activity, the formation of creative motivation.
Keywords: reflection, professional pedagogical training, self-confidence, motivation, emotion, success, creative thinking.
We believe that each prospective teacher should have pedagogical skills according to the level of training he or she has acquired, and that all his or her future practical activities should be built in such a way that his or her professional skills grow. This leads not only to sharp differences in the interpretation of the concept of “skill”, but also in the definition of ways to ensure it. In the first case, skill is defined as a goal that needs to be achieved, without always having the necessary foundations and guarantees to achieve it; in the second, it is determined by the need to act from what exists, that is, to determine the individual direction of development on the basis of each, taking into account the individual experience and capabilities of each.
Activity is a rule of activity of the subject in relation to the object caused by the need to change the object (according to A.A. Leontev), the activity of future teachers aimed at learning their professional activity and self as a subject (and as an object!) . It is only necessary to form a need. The need, on the other hand, arises as a result of the contradictions between what exists and what must exist; in this case, a conscious dissatisfaction with the results of one’s professional activities leads to the formation of a need for self-improvement.
It is known that knowledge about oneself, about others, does not come to a person from outside, they are formed in him. Scholars note that the criteria for self-analysis and self-assessment, as well as the decisions offered to him in the exchange of experience, are reflection and help future teachers to “self-assess (adequately), critically understand the knowledge developed in theoretical research.”
On the success of active learning, N.A. Berdyaev wrote: “My ability is determined only when the mental process is carried out by me, when I am active and creative, and when passive learning is necessary, I can not determine my abilities when the process comes to me from outside.”
Thus, based on theoretical principles, we can conclude that work on improving the pedagogical skills of future teachers is effective only when it is of personal importance to him, that is, in the presence of stable positive motivation.
We also believe that one of the conditions for the formation of positive motivation is emotions (emotions), because not only activity produces emotions, but also emotions create and control the activity itself. Positive emotions affect behavioral needs, and in a difficult situation, even a small achievement evokes a positive feeling of inspiration, and it reinforces the need to achieve a goal. According to PV Simonov, “positive emotions compensate for the lack of unmet needs and pragmatic uncertainty, which can lead to stagnation in development, self-motivation and the cessation of the process of self-development.”
That’s why it’s so important to give prospective teachers a chance to believe in their own strengths. In organizing the work on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics, it is necessary to create conditions in which future teachers can receive assistance from professors and teachers in solving their professional difficulties and at the same time be a source of pedagogical skills for themselves. Its success, reinforced by the ability of future teachers to self-actualize their pedagogical skills, promotes the emergence of positive emotions in them and increases their focus on self-development.
When commenting on pedagogical diagnostics, it is necessary to focus on the formation of the correct professional self-assessment of future teachers. In this case, “voluntary external evaluation of future teachers (even if it is unfair) does not harm his professional stability, does not impair his performance, does not reduce his self-esteem in general.” Low self-esteem reduces the effectiveness of pedagogical activities of future teachers.
Prospective teachers need to know how she feels in class, to be able to see her strengths and weaknesses. Timely help, without a caring friendly attitude, some prospective teachers may lose interest in the lesson, help should be skillful, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of future teachers. No level of pedagogical science can provide the planned results unless the need to take into account the personal characteristics of future teachers is met.
We also believe that it is necessary to focus on the formation of a psychological environment, many scholars attribute the dissatisfaction of future teachers with their pedagogical abilities and lack of work on themselves.
The spiritual environment of future teachers has a negative impact on relationships. This will lead to the neglect of future teachers. The “creativity” of future teachers is extinguished by a negative assessment. Rodgers sees creativity as “self-reinforcement” and argues that “if a safe and secure environment is created where a person begins to explore his or her inner world, then future teachers will choose the most optimal direction for their development as individuals.”
Future teachers are especially important in times of crisis and pedagogical crises, when self-confidence and insecurity, attachment to his pedagogical skills and dissatisfaction with him, struggling with growing feelings of anxiety about his own imperfections.
Accordingly, pedagogical skills can be developed and several conditions can be enumerated. Such conditions are a comfortable psychological environment that provides a favorable environment for the development of his professionalism and an individual approach to future teachers.
We cannot study future teachers as part of a general theory of management. Relationships, personal situation, pedagogical ability do not take into account and matter what is expressed. The pedagogical ability of prospective teachers may be present in the theory of voluntary management.
The pedagogical art of future teachers is to “create a team spirit”, the ability to create a creative environment, to awaken entrepreneurship. It is necessary to help each future teacher to form a system of universal values, to develop in the educator an internal need for independent learning, renewal of professional knowledge and skills. To develop the creativity of future teachers, they must be creative, creative, enterprising, competent, have a good understanding of the nature and processes of self-governing processes, the psychological basis of cooperation, information gathering, methods of analyzing and evaluating information about the course and outcomes.