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An event on “Enlightenment against ignorance” was held at JSPU.

Rector of Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imam Bukhari, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Muhammadolim Muhammadsiddikov took part in the event.

In today’s process of globalization, our young people are getting various information and information through the press, especially through social networks. Some fanatics are trying to influence ideologically for their selfish goals and do evil deeds. The saddest thing is that our young people fall into the hands of such people. In order to prevent any disease, first of all, immunity is created in the human body against it.

Today, the fight against thought, idea against idea, enlightenment against ignorance is more important than ever. Today’s youth should think independently, be spiritual, loyal to their national values, broad-minded, strong-willed, patient, always ready for open and hidden spiritual threats, and keep pace with the times. They were also discussed at the event. The questions were thoroughly analyzed. Professors and teachers of the university and students took part in the event.