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The History of the Appearance of Apples in Nutrition

S. X. Mavlonova 1  D. M. Maxammadiev 2 Tulkinova M 3 senior teacher of the ZhDPU. Uzbekistan 2nd year student of the ZhDPU. Uzbekistan    Annotation: The main wealth of apples is antioxidants. It is these substances that protect us from cancer, heart disease and blood vessels, and from aging in general. And in terms of the content of these substances, apples occupy a leading position among other fruits. And, what is very important, unlike vitamins, antioxidants are not destroyed during storage. In England there is even a proverb: “who eats an apple a day, the doctor does not visit.” Indeed, an apple is one of the healthiest fruits.  Keywords: domesticated, bred, cancer, heart disease and blood vessels, antioxidants, lung cancer, organic acids, stress and fatigue, obesity, microflora, sunflower oil. The fruits of the wild ancestors of apple trees have always been eaten. The tree was domesticated about 5 thousand years ago on the territory of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Presumably from there, apples spread throughout Europe. In ancient Greece, apples were especially actively cultivated – even then dozens of varieties were bred. These fruits have also found their place in culture: for example, “golden apples”, supposedly giving eternal youth. Even Avalon – the Celtic name for paradise – is translated as “apple country”. Back in 2021, the world production of apples was 63 million tons per year. China is the main producer, growing about 2/5 of the total volume. In this country, these fruits are highly valued. They are given as a thank you for the hospitality of the owners. Even the word “apple” in Chinese means both fruit and “world” at the same time. Further studies have shown that the main wealth of apples is antioxidants. It is these substances that protect us from cancer, heart disease and blood vessels, and from aging in general. And in terms of the content of these substances, apples occupy a leading position among other fruits. And, what is very important, unlike vitamins, antioxidants are not destroyed during storage. In England there is even a proverb: “who eats an apple a day, the doctor does not visit.” Indeed, an apple is one of the healthiest fruits. According to some studies, these fruits may reduce the risk of colon cancer, as well as prostate and lung cancer. Fiber from the peel and pulp of apples stimulates the intestines. Rapid evacuation of waste reduces intoxication. Namely, it, coupled with constant inflammation, provokes cancer. Apples contain a lot of organic acids: malic, tartaric, and citric. Acids aid digestion, especially when stomach acid is low. If there are not enough acids, the body cannot fully digest food, and does not absorb all the nutrients. However, they are also low in vitamin C. But there are other antioxidants – vitamin A. Apples also contain vitamins S, B1, B2, PP and E, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, selenium, potassium, calcium and zinc. They protect against cancer, heart disease, blood vessels and aging. They also protect the lungs from the effects of nicotine. Apple peel has a number of healing properties – unless, of course, the fruit is not store-bought. Therefore, those who like to peel it off before use are depriving themselves of a lot. Restore blood and lower blood pressure. The iron contained in apples increases the level of hemoglobin.This is especially useful for large blood loss and anemia. In addition, fruits are recommended for hypertensive patients. Fruits can lower blood pressure, as they remove excess salt and water from the body. It contains a lot of light sugars. They are especially well absorbed from dried fruits. The composition and calorie content of apples per 100 g: calorie content-52 kcal, proteins-0.26 g, fats-0.17 g, carbohydrates-11.41 g. Scientists at Cornell University in the US found that apple extracts effectively blocked cancer cells. Only cranberry extract had a more powerful effect. And it turned out that the maximum amount of healing substances contains apple peel. Therefore, those who like to eat apples, peeling off the skin, lose a lot. Doctors came to the conclusion that apples themselves do not cure diseases. But with their help, the body can already cope with many dangerous ailments. What are the benefits of apples? They protect against cancer, heart disease, blood vessels and aging. They also protect the lungs from the effects of nicotine. Apple peel has a number of healing properties – unless, of course, the fruit is not store-bought. Therefore, those who like to peel it off before use are depriving themselves of a lot. Here is a few more list of useful “apple properties”:
  1. Apples restore blood. They are rich in iron, and regular consumption of apples increases the level of hemoglobin, which is useful for anemia and after a large blood loss.
  2. They stimulate a surge of vitality, help with stress and fatigue, strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve brain function. This is due to minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, selenium and iodine, zinc, as well as vitamins S, B1, B2, PP, Y.
  3. Apples are very useful for hypertensive patients, as they remove excess water and salt from the body, which helps to lower blood pressure. Those suffering from hypertension should eat at least one sweet and sour apple every morning or drink 1/2 cup of green apple juice an hour before meals.
  4. Apples are useful for poisoning. Their plant cells are a natural sorbent and therefore remove poisons from the body well.
  5. This fruit improves digestion because it contains the necessary organic acids: malic, citric, salicylic and boric. Thanks to them, apples stimulate the production of bile and gastric juice. It is believed that one apple 20 minutes before a meal guarantees a good appetite.
  6. Apples help you lose weight. It is believed that the best diet for slimness is to eat baked apples with kefir for several days. In this case, there will be a small load on the stomach, and toxins are removed from the body. For obesity, juice mixtures are made: apple juice – 100 ml, melon – 50 ml, tomato – 5 ml, lemon – 25 ml.
  7. Apples even lower cholesterol levels! To do this, it is enough to eat two or three apples a day. Nutritionists have noticed that a two-week apple diet reduces the presence of this substance in human blood by almost 30%.
The color of apples is affected by the presence of pigments, chlorophyll, anthocyanins and carotenoids in the peel. Everyone has their favorite apples.Why does one like yellow ones, while the other loves green Simirenko? Most likely, the body intuitively reaches for the color that reflects the presence of exactly those vitamins that are most relevant to it at the moment. Green fruits have the least amount of sugar. Therefore, this species has the lowest caloric value. But it contains the most valuable substances and acids. Among them is also fiber, which is able to remove toxic substances from the body. Also, sour green apples do not cause allergies, have a positive effect on dental and oral health, and are good for obesity and diabetes. Red apples are sweet fruits that are recommended for cardiovascular diseases, kidney and liver diseases. This type is ideal for beautiful skin and an even complexion, but the sugar in the composition softens the tooth enamel. Diabetics are also not advised to use such fruits. You can not only eat red apples, but also massage your face with them. To do this, take a thin slice of a fresh apple, remove the skin and be sure to check that there are no hard particles left from the core. Make light massaging circular movements, especially where there are swelling. This procedure helps to cleanse the pores, moisturizes the skin, removes swelling and bags under the eyes. Yellow apples contain less iron, but more pectins, which give the body resistance to salts of heavy metals, radioactive and toxic substances. This species is good for the liver and promotes the secretion of bile. They have a special caramel flavor. The taste of yellow apples is very different from green and red ones. They contain a large amount of pectins, effectively remove toxins from the body, contribute to the formation of healthy microflora and bile secretion, and heal the liver. Growing with pesticides and toxins. When it comes to shiny and smooth apples that flaunt on the store shelf, you should understand that they were not grown in a completely natural way. Pesticides, chemicals and toxins are used to quickly ripen the fruit. American scientists from the Environmental Working Group found that apples are among the top 5 fruits that tend to accumulate these harmful substances. It is much safer to give preference to country fruits, although they are not so beautiful in appearance. Apples improve metabolic processes, are an effective prevention of dysbacteriosis, and contribute to the removal of toxic compounds from the body. But remember: everything is fine in moderation. You should not eat more than 2-3 medium apples per day. The acids contained in them can not only act as a metabolic accelerator, but also have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. And remember that small, uneven apples are much tastier and healthier than shiny comrades on supermarket shelves. What else do you need to know about apples? Greens are better than reds. They contain more valuable substances. In addition, they do not cause allergies, therefore they (or their juice) are recommended to be given even to the smallest children and pregnant women. Sweet varieties of apples are good for diseases of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular diseases, and sour varieties for obesity, diabetes. partly compensate for the harm from tobacco: they contain antioxidants that protect the lungs from nicotine. It has been noticed: for apple lovers, the lungs work much better. Apples increase the body’s resistance to radiation. In terms of iodine content, apples are second only to marine products. It is especially abundant in apple seeds.They say that if you eat 5-6 apple seeds a day, then the daily need for iodine will be completely satisfied. Persist for several months after being removed from the tree. Harm of apples. If you do not know the measure, this factor can play a cruel joke on you and negatively affect the mucous membranes of the stomach. People with peptic ulcers, especially those of the duodenum, should be more vigilant, because the acids contained in the fruits are contraindicated for them. Although there is an opinion that one apple after a meal does not hurt. And those who suffer from gastritis are advised to eat only fruits of sweet varieties. Apple seeds contain the poisonous substance amygdalin, which can lead to poisoning. However, the dose dangerous to humans is very large – a whole cup of seeds. Therefore, if you accidentally swallow a few, do not worry. Unfortunately, apples are not good for everyone. In their raw form, it is undesirable to eat them for people with peptic ulcers, especially duodenal ulcers, since the acid contained in the fruits will irritate the diseased mucosa. Although one apple after a meal will not hurt. Folk recipe. A gruel from grated green apples is considered a sure remedy for catarrh of the stomach. Two grated green apples should be eaten immediately, as the gruel quickly sours and turns black. You have to eat early in the morning. And do not take anything else by mouth for four to five hours. This treatment continues for a month daily. The second month, apples can be taken three times a week, and the third – only once. This apple method requires some effort. After all, if you eat or drink something within a couple of hours after taking apples, then gases form in the stomach, which will only increase the disease and cause great harm.Apples are one of the safest fruits in terms of allergenicity. But sour apples contain a lot of acids, so they should be consumed in moderation so as not to damage tooth enamel,” says gastroenterologist Olga Arisheva.   The use of apples in medicine Due to fiber and pectin, apples are extremely useful for problems with digestion and bowel movements. Baked apples work especially well. Fresh fruits also help increase the acidity of gastric juice. This is important for hypoacid gastritis, when hydrochloric acid is not produced enough.Iron malate extract is made from sour varieties of apples. It is used in the treatment of anemia. Juice is squeezed out of apples, filtered, and placed in a cauldron with iron powder. It turns out a thick dark liquid. In cosmetology, apples, their extract and juice are used as a healing agent for skin inflammation, cracks and abrasions. The use of apples in cooking. Apples, depending on the variety, are suitable for many dishes, both dessert and savory. Malic acids soften tough meat and give a special flavor if the slices are added during cooking, as well as unsweetened. Malic acids soften tough meat and give a special flavor if the slices are added during cooking. Apple pancakes. A more dietary version of pancakes, on kefir and apples. Varieties use sweet and sour. Chicken egg – 1 pc, sugar – 2 tbsp, salt – 1/2 tsp, kefir (yogurt) – 250 ml, baking powder (or soda) – 1 tsp, wheat flour – 220 g, large apple – 2 pcs. Beat the egg well with sugar and salt. Add kefir and stir. Mix flour with baking powder and gradually add to the mixture. You should get the consistency of thick sour cream, you may need a little more flour. Peel apples and seeds, grate on a coarse grater. Add to dough and mix.Leave to stand at room temperature for 10 minutes. Fry in a small amount of sunflower oil over medium heat. Flip over to the other side as soon as the first one is browned. Serve with sour cream and cinnamon. How to select and store apples? It is important to first understand what you need apples for. For example, sour and hard varieties are more suitable for sweet pies and meat, and soft and sweet varieties are more suitable for jam and marshmallow. In addition, all varieties are stored for a different time. Do not focus on color – for example, both Golden and Bogatyr are green. However, the latter is very sour and beneficial.Gentle Golden cannot boast of such benefits. The peel of any variety should be free of spots, wrinkles and wormholes. Check for rotting in the ponytail and buttocks. The size of a good apple is medium. The juicy fruit is heavy. You can store apples in a cool and dark place in the room, wrapped in paper. To extend the period, you can wrap each fruit separately and put it in the refrigerator in a vegetable drawer. Do not store apples with other fruits and vegetables – they release substances that accelerate the ripening and spoilage of fruits. LITERATURE:
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