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O‘ralov J. teacher of Jizzakh state pedagogical university Taянч so’zlar: futbol, ayollar futboli, texnika, taktika, saralash metodikasi, to’p uzatish. Ключевые слова: футбол, женский футбол, техника, тактика, методика квалификации, передача мяча. Key words: football, women’s football, technique, tactics, qualifying methodology, ball transfer. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among women, involving them in mass sports, and ensuring meaningful leisure time is the guarantee of a healthy generation. The Uzbek people are one of the great nations that have made a great contribution to the world civilization with their ancient and rich national culture, which has reflected goodness for centuries. The importance of sport in introducing our independent republic to the world is increasing. Today, we are witnessing the fact that national games, wrestling, ulaq, as well as international sports – tennis, boxing, football, serve to increase the reputation of Uzbeks among the peoples of the world. Respecting values, forming ancient traditions, strengthening beliefs, passing on our cultural heritage to the next generation, and deeply instilling the essence of national folk games into the minds of young people is an urgent issue today. Popularization of physical education and sports is defined as one of the important directions of social policy in our country. Because sport strengthens the health of the population, by educating the young generation to be healthy and well-rounded, it establishes a healthy way of life in the society. Prevents various diseases and harmful habits among young people. Sport plays an important role in the formation of high culture and patriotism. Achievements in this field will make the country known to the world and will give pride to all compatriots. Training of young athletes in the initial stage of preparatory work is considered one of the most important components of the formation of skills, organization of sports training, comprehensive development of the body, strengthening of health, physical abilities. The video selector’s lecture on the issues of improving the management system in the field, developing mass sports, selecting and educating talented athletes, strengthening the field with qualified personnel and building modern sports facilities is understood as a process aimed at creating a solid functional base for the next stage of improvement and preparation. . Regardless of the purpose and content or direction of a person’s sports activity, its ultimate productivity and efficiency of movement, in turn, is based on appropriate physical qualities, movement skills, skills and, of course, on the functional capabilities of the body. Women’s body differs from men’s by a number of morphological and functional, anatomical and physiological features. Among women, the age of puberty – up to 34 years old, middle age – 35-54 years old, old age – 55-74 years old was considered. Such age-related characteristics are primarily related to the most important biological task -maternal functions [2]. The amount and intensity of daily movement is important for human health, its physical and functional formation. However, the volume and intensity of all types of movement, including physical and technical-tactical exercises performed in sports clubs, should match or exceed the functional capabilities of the participant. Because according to laws that have been proven in the science of biology, if the partial effect «power» of the daily physical load performed at certain stages of ontogenetic development is always higher than the functional capabilities of the organism, then in this organism (organs, muscles, vessels, cells, etc.) tissues, heart, lungs, spleen, liver, etc.) symptoms of stress or rapid exhaustion appear. Such negative «traces» disrupt the usual functional activity of a person, especially young girls, lower their mood, disrupt their sleep, ultimately reduce their ability to work and prevent their full recovery. If such loads are chronically repeated in women’s activities, it is possible not only to affect the normal growth of the body, but also to cause the occurrence of local or global pathological complications in various functional «objects». If the volume and intensity of daily or gross training loads is lower than the functional capacity, the formation of physical qualities slows down and work capacity does not increase. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the daily or gross loads, including the loads related to physical education classes and training sessions, according to the age, physical and functional capabilities of the participants in a «wave-like» principle. Therefore, in the organization of women’s sports training, basing on pedagogical and medical control is an integral part of the process of raising a healthy and mature generation. Therefore, purposeful development and management of the content of physical education and sports activities (physical education classes, training sessions, sports competitions) is the responsibility of every specialist (teacher, trainer, organizer, stylist, guide ) and it is not necessary to prove that it is necessary to impose great responsibility on the leaders, to master the knowledge of physical culture, physical education, physical development, physical training and sports facilities, and to acquire appropriate professional-pedagogical qualifications and skills. It is important to pay particular attention to the fact that the effective organization of women’s sports, the health of participants during long-term sports training, and the development of their sports skills primarily depend on the indicators of physical fitness. Physical training in sports practice is usually divided into two closely related types of general and special physical training. Human health throughout life, mental and physical activity, development of sports skills during many years of sports training are primarily related to the content and level of these two types of training. The main goal of physical education and sports training is to strengthen health and achieve high sports results. Most of the scientists say that regularly organized exercises in a specific sport, which are properly organized in terms of size, intensity and content, have a positive effect on the body. However, it has been observed that trainings that are not based on general physical training and are specialized in a narrow scope have negative consequences. In fact, physical training is considered to be the most important foundation in the training of qualified sportswomen and an incomparable factor in the effective formation of sports skills. In addition, according to the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, any physical training process does not lead to the effective development of physical qualities and may not have a positive effect on the formation of technical and tactical skills. In many cases, it is possible that it will have a negative effect on sports skills. Development of women’s sports will lead to the birth of healthy children in the future. After all, the health of our children ensures the prosperity and prosperity of our country. Because our future is our children. To educate a mature generation in Uzbekistan, to actively involve talented youth in sports, to create the necessary conditions for increasing the popularity and development of our national football, to select young women and girls football players and to ensure the development of their professional skills and abilities, as well as to introduce them to the country’s football clubs and in order to form a reliable reserve for national teams, a number of Decrees and Decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan were adopted [1]. These decrees and decisions define the tasks of improving the theoretical training and technical-tactical skills of young female players, developing their professional qualities, as well as organizing the process of training young players based on scientific and methodological recommendations in accordance with international requirements for the development of modern football. According to experts, today’s football players are lagging behind the strongest foreign players in performing technical ball control actions. The fact that young players are lagging behind in acquiring technical and tactical training skills can be explained primarily by the problems that arise in the early stages of training young players. Scientific data on the age-specific dynamics of technical and tactical training indicators and the interdependence of competition performance indicators are very scarce in this regard. However, until now, the problem of the age characteristics of young female football players in the competitive activity has hardly been studied. The purpose of the study. Development of practical recommendations for selection to the team based on the methodology of studying the technical and tactical actions of female football players during the game. Conclusions. Special literature has shown that the control of competition activity of female football players takes an important place in the process of their training. Along with the assessment of individual technical-tactical actions, it is possible to determine tactical thinking and technical versatility. Based on the results of the analysis, the young player can be targeted in various aspects of training. In the process of studying the competitive activities of young players, several technical actions performed by them were observed and the obtained results were analyzed. It is clear from the observations that female players play a more unstable game compared to highly skilled male players. Literature:
  1. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Ш.Мирзиёевнинг Ўзбекистон Республикасини янада  ривож-
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  1. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 2 февралдаги “Хотин қизларни қўллаб
қувватлаш ва оила институтини мустаҳкамлаш соҳасидаги фаолиятни тубдан такомиллаштириш чоратадбирлари тўғрисида”ги ПФ5325сон фармони.
  1. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2018 йил 27 июндаги “Ўзбекистон Республикасида оила институтини мустаҳкамлаш консепциясини тасдиқлаш тўғрисида”ги ПҚ
РЕЗЮМЕ Maqolada O’zbekiston Respublikasida xotin-qizlar futbolining ahamiyati va rivojlanishi bu borad olib borilayotgan islohotlar, yaratilgan imkoniyatlar haqida so’z boradi.  Maqoladan olingan xulosalarni jismoniy tarbiya darslarining nazariy qismlarida ishlatish mumkin. РЕЗЮМЕ В статье говорится о значении и развитии женского футбола в Республике Узбекистан, проводимых реформах и созданных возможностях. Выводы из статьи могут быть использованы в теоретической части уроков физической культуры. SUMMARY The article talks about the importance and development of women’s football in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the reforms being carried out and the opportunities created. Conclusions from the article can be used in the theoretical parts of physical education lessons.