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Our students won prizes at the Olympiad held in Turkmenistan.

On April 24-28 of this year, the third Open Mathematics Olympiad (OMOUS-2023) with the participation of students from Turkmenistan and foreign higher education institutions was held at the International University of Humanities and Development (IUHD) in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The Olympiad was organized among students of higher education studying A-category mathematics majors and B-category majors (non-specialists). 282 participants from HEIs of Turkmenistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mexico, Germany, Hungary, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan took part in the Olympics. The Olympiad was held in 2 stages based on tasks prepared for individuals and teams. In the individual stage, 6 tasks are required to be completed in 240 minutes, and in the team (4 students) 10 tasks are required to be completed in 120 minutes. The team of JSPU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics also participated in this Olympiad. Under the leadership of team leaders F.U.Sulaymonov, N.A.Ismatov, participants Sh.Sh.Polatov (2nd stage master), M.I.Oltinbekova, N.O.Kuvondikova (3rd stage bachelor), D.J.Muhammadiyeva (2nd stage bachelor) fought hard for the victory. Sh.Sh.Polatov and D.J.Muhammadiyeva won 2 bronze medals in the A-category individual competition. We sincerely congratulate our students and faculty team on this achievement. Also, we would like to express our special thanks to the organizers of the Olympiad, in particular, to the leadership of the International University of Humanities and Development (IUHD) in the state of Turkmenistan and the city of Ashgabat.