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In cooperation with the DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY OF THE FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES at the private school “JIZZAKH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL”, an international conference for regional school teachers was held on the topic “Possibilities of applying foreign experiences in education”. The conference was opened by the director of the private school “Jizzakh International School”, the senior teacher of the Department of English Language Teaching Methodology of the Faculty of Foreign Languages F. Abdullayeva and the head of the department A. Jabborova. In their speech, they spoke about the role of each language in the development of the nation, the international cooperation relations of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, future plans and prospects, and the fact that in-depth study of foreign languages is the main factor and condition for students to acquire modern knowledge and acquire professional skills. After that, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English Language Teaching Methodology professors A. Jabborova, D. Safarova, M. Djurayeva, H. Botirova and S. Giyosova gave a lecture on the topic.   At the end of the conference, on the basis of the presented lectures, the application of foreign experiences in education, the development and implementation of a road map based on the study of the skills, methods and psychological foundations of language teaching and learning in the 21st century proposals were made regarding the increase.