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An international conference dedicated to the presentation of the book “Sharof Rashidov: Life and Death” by the writer of the Russian Federation Fyodor Razzokov was held.

An international conference dedicated to the presentation of the book “Sharof Rashidov: Life and Death” by the writer of the Russian Federation, Fyodor Razzokov, was held in cooperation with the Jizzakh Region Information Library Center and the “Russian Literature and Methodology of Teaching” Department of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. The event was opened by the deputy governor of Jizzakh region A. Savurbaev. After that, the author of the book “Sharof Rashidov: Life and Death” Fyodor Razzokov gave a detailed story to the participants about the work and the events that motivated him to write it. Professors and teachers of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University also spoke at the conference. The conference was held at a high scientific level and left a great impression on the participants. At the international scientific and practical conference, the director of the regional center of spirituality and enlightenment Iqbolkhan Umarova, the chairman of the Jizzakh regional branch of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan Mehribon Abdurahmonova, the professor of the department of “Russian literature and its teaching methodology” of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University teachers and master’s students, representatives of Russian, Tatar, Tajik cultural centers of Jizzakh region took part.