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Eid is a holiday of love and generosity…

Eid al-Fitr is a holiday of charity, generosity, and kindness, and it is a wonderful day that serves to develop human qualities such as equality and harmony among people. On this day, even a sweet word, an uplifting, inspiring treatment is a gift. This holiday is also beautiful when people greet their distant relatives and friends on this day, and receive news about the needy and sick. Another practical expression of this beautiful value is meaningful support of our nation, especially its needy stratum, compatriots in need of social protection and assistance. On the eve of Ramadan, the Master’s Department of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University distributed Ramadan donations to more than 10 such households in our city. “Whoever is single-minded, let him rejoice in the memory of the corrupt, let him be prosperous when the Ka’ba is destroyed.” Today, a few depressed hearts were filled with joy, hands were raised in prayer. There is no doubt that intentions made from the heart will reach their owners.