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“Three Generation Meetings” has become a tradition of honor, attention, recognition, and example.

This is the name of the meeting organized by the JSPU and the Jizzakh regional branch of the Nuroniy Foundation.

The meeting was devoted to the life and work of two heroes of Uzbekistan, Parda Ziyotov and Anorboy Eshmatov, from Jizzakh.

It has become a good tradition to hold “Three Generation Meetings” events, which embody history, present and future. The important aspect of such events is that the young people who participated in the dialogues learn life experience from the representatives of the older generation, and get practical skills and recommendations from today’s industry devotees. This is very important for the future of our owners.

At such a “Three Generations Meeting” held in the Palace of Culture of the University, people who have worked in leadership positions in various fields in our republic for many years, veterans who worked in the agricultural system, luminaries currently working in various organizations and offices in our region, professor – teachers and students participated. The event, which brought together representatives of three generations, took place in the style of sincere and open dialogue. The event was opened by Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Professor Sh. Sharipov. After that, Norkul Nosharov, the chairman of the regional council of the “Nuroni” foundation, expressed his opinion about the difficulties of the past, the hardships in the labor sphere, today’s changes and the respect shown to Nurani. During the talks and dialogues, the main characters of today’s event, Parda Ziyotov and Anorboy Eshmatov, expressed their thoughts about the hardships in the labor sphere during their life and working career, and about today’s prosperous life. They emphasized that it is necessary to be a close assistant and supporter of the leader of our country on the way to the development of the country. “Heroes of Uzbekistan, representatives of various fields who were considered worthy of other high awards of our country, fathers and mothers who walked the path of exemplary life, well-known representatives of the public, professors and teachers and young students” Three Generations” meeting was recorded in photos. Good intentions and wishes were expressed. New initiatives and ideas were put forward. It was noted that their implementation is undoubtedly in the hands of today’s youth. Today’s event, which serves the tradition of respect, attention, recognition and example, ended with the questions and opinions of the participants of the meeting.