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Literary meetings are being held at JSPU as part of the Book Week.

People’s writer of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan Orozboy Abdurakhmanov, poet Abdunabi Hamro, chairman of Jizzakh region Writers’ Association M. Abdurakhmanova were invited to the literary meeting held in the palace of culture of the university. The meeting was opened by F. Akchaev, the first vice-rector for youth issues, spiritual and educational affairs of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. In his words, he said that progress can be achieved only where there is real reading, and it is a culture to love a book as a source of knowledge, to read and keep it as a treasure, and to be able to choose it for reading. “Love for the book, appreciation for it, enthusiasm for reading is ingrained in the blood of our people. Our people are rightly proud of rare manuals and literature related to science and science, literature and art. In any famous library of the world, you can see the work of calligraphers and painters, who turned the manuscripts of the great scholars and sages who created the treasure of thought into books and gave them eternal life. The purpose of organizing today’s meeting is to awaken love for books among students and young people, to appreciate the legacy of our great ancestors,” says F. Akchaev. Reading a book broadens a person’s worldview and enriches his thinking, while protecting him from falling into the trap of various foreign: ideological, ideological, vices that affect a person’s maturity. Reading plays an important role in helping a person to find solutions to his life problems, to improve his qualities such as justice, fairness, tolerance, and humanity. This is what was discussed at the meeting. Artists invited to the event also read excerpts from their works. The meeting was simply not organized. Real lovers of literature, creative students who appreciate poetry took part in it. It would not be wrong to say that today’s event was like a “skills lesson” for them. At the end of the meeting, the participants of the event, creative students, read to the guests some examples of their creativity.