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Hello dear teachers, dear students!

The arrival of the four seasons, the most beautiful and unique spring, which has entered our country with its beautiful breath and fresh breath, gives a special blessing to everyone. Navruz is a sign that a new day is coming to new Uzbekistan. I congratulate you all with Navruz, the awakening of nature, the creator of thousands of miracles.

In the words of our great grandfather, Mir Alisher Navoi, let every night of our people be precious, and let every day be Navruz! In fact, one of the spiritual and moral foundations of further development of our country is loyalty to universal values, strengthening and development of the spiritual heritage of our people. Strengthening and developing the spiritual spirit of the people is the most important task of the state and society in Uzbekistan. Navruz is a holiday of spiritual values of the Uzbek and Eastern peoples – the heritage of the ancestors, and it is a wealth and great wealth in educating the population, especially young people, in the spirit of universal and national values, high patriotism, humanitarianism, hard work, creativity, friendship, kindness, goodness, justice, and peace.

Great attention is paid to Navruz in the scientific and artistic creations of the thinkers of Central Asia and the East in general. In Haydar Khorezmi’s epic “Flower and Navroz” and in Omar Khayyam’s “Navroznama”, Navruz is described as the turning of the world into happiness, and the beautiful flowers give a sign from heaven. In the work “Amulets of Lovers” the joy of Navruz holiday is sung. Since 1990, the Navruz holiday has been declared a holiday in our republic. It is celebrated as a holiday that strengthens friendship, brotherhood and solidarity between all nations and peoples living in our country. For thousands of years, Navruz has nurtured people’s love for the Motherland, care for the land and nature, and encouraged them to be clean. On the days of Navruz celebration, grievances and grudges were forgotten, wars were put an end to, people went back and forth peacefully, and shared the delicious food they prepared with their neighbors and neighbors. That is why Navruz has become a symbol of friendship between different nationalities and peoples.

In ancient times, when day and night were equal, our ancestors cleaned the streets and neighborhoods, planted tree saplings, beautified cemeteries and cheered the souls of those who passed away. After all, Navruz called people to good deeds, filled hearts with good wishes and emotions, encouraged them to be kind.

It should be noted with pleasure that on September 30, 2009, Navruz was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, and on February 23, 2010, at the 64th session of the UN General Assembly, March 21 was announced as “International Navruz Day”. We should also pay special attention to Sumalak, the royal dish of Navruz. Sumalak is the sign of Navruz, its preparation is like magic. No other meal can compare or describe the power of a bowl of sumac or blue somsayu dumplings during the post-winter cold snap. Another unique feature of Navuz is creativity. On these days, our farmers take white blessings from the elders, ride to the field, tie their waists tightly, and plant the seeds of blessings on the ground, which is enjoying the rays of the sun.

Dear guests, team of our university and dear students!

May Navruz, which is entering our country with auspicious steps, be blessed once again. May peace, which is a holy blessing, be eternally stable in our homeland! May every house and neighborhood be prosperous, may our people be safe and healthy, and may we all be blessed to welcome Navruz together in a cheerful spirit every year!