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Don’t get tired, the hashar participants …

Professors and students of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University took an active part in the public charity event held on the eve of Navruz national holiday and the holy month of Ramadan under the slogan “Prosperous neighborhood – the country’s beauty”. On this day, landscaping and planting events were organized in the “Students’ Garden” located in the Bogishamol area of the university, the External Department in the town of Boston, and the main building. As you know, 1957 fruit trees and decorative plants were planted in the hashar established on March 11. Today, 4,000 saplings (shotut, paulownia, catalpa, poplar, pomegranate, flion, jasin) were planted in this area. Also, 1000 fruit and ornamental seedlings were planted in the “Students’ Garden” located in the Bogishamol region of our city. “Don’t get tired!” saying is one of the unique qualities of an Uzbek. Representatives of the management led by the rector of the university Sh. Sharipov, who wanted to glorify such an ancient value, came to the presence of the students and young people who were eagerly planting seedlings and got information about them. In our country, mutual respect, receiving information from the elderly and the infirm, and organizing funerals have been absorbed into the spirit of our nation and have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries, gaining importance in the unity and harmony of our people. It is no exaggeration to say that hashar, which has become an integral part of our spiritual life, has become a national tradition. Hashar, which has become a tradition, brings not only cleanliness, but also mutual respect, kindness and harmony between people.