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The spring season of the nationwide project “Green Space” has started at JSPU

Today, the spring season of the nationwide project “Green Space” was launched at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. In this regard, a big event was organized at the external department of the university located in the city of Boston. 11,000 trees and shrubs and flower seedlings will be planted in the park with an area of nearly 7 hectares as part of the national green space project. More than 200 young students and teachers contributed to planting seedlings and creating a garden. Each of the enterprising students brought 10 seedlings and planted them. It would not be wrong to say that the nationwide project “Green Space” united the students, youth and all the employees. At the end of the event, which lasted until the evening, all participants were served dinner. Trees play a very important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment, and the oxygen released by trees in the process of photosynthesis ensures that we breathe clean air. Based on this, we can say that planting trees should become the duty of each of us and the duty of the general public.