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Hello dear colleagues, dear women, students!

Dear, kind, professional professors and teachers of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, enthusiastic and humble employees, talented students! I sincerely congratulate you all on March 8, the first day of spring – the celebration of sophistication and beauty! In fact, you saints can be compared to Spring without hesitation. Each of his visits warms the heart and rejuvenates the soul. The spring flowers that decorate the world, their sweet scents are actually copied from you. They say spring leaves. No! Spring just likes to miss us. He knows his worth. In fact, he is the most devoted devotee! He always pleases the hearts with his timely visit… True, Spring has its whims. The open, crystal-clear sky is suddenly filled with clouds and rain. A gentle breeze will be replaced by hail. But everything is fleeting. No matter how flirtatious she is, she will always show us all her beauty. May you have a blessed day to the women who are worthy of this university, who have earned our respect and attention with their love and kindness! Dear women! Dear sisters! Today, the women of Uzbekistan are fully expressing themselves in all spheres and branches of our life. You are making a worthy contribution to the development of our country by working effectively in the development of the child of the nation, in bringing him to adulthood. This fact is well known and appreciated by our people and society. Currently, 613 women work in our university. It should be noted that among the women of the university, 6 doctors of science and 69 candidates of science are made up of our women. Among them, I am very happy that we have an athlete who has been awarded the Zulfiya State Prize, who has raised the flag of our country high, and we have active and talented student girls in everything. Today, we are naming the names of our skilled pedagogic sisters, who have earned a reputation among colleagues and students with their selfless work, great achievements, active participation in state and public affairs, and exemplary qualities, as well as our female students who are active in academic work. we respectfully mention. Especially, professors Fanya Ahmedshina, Bakhti Ochilova, Zulfiya Pardaeva, Zuhra Yakshayeva, associate professors Dilorom Khodzhimetova, Raya Nurkulova, Dilchehra Ergasheva, Yelena Navro’zova, Nigina Oktamova, among our female students, are role models for everyone. Such a list can be continued for a long time. The number of our young women scientists who are an example to their colleagues, and our girls who have chosen the path of science since they were students and motivate their peers, is expanding day by day. In these moments, I wish them to keep searching and keep moving forward towards their goals. Dear and kind sisters, my students! We always look forward to March 8, the day of beauty and sophistication, with great joy and excitement. Because this auspicious day gives us another great opportunity to express our love and respect for you in our hearts. We are always ready to serve earnestly so that you can always open up, be satisfied with life and fate, and prosper, for your happiness. God, let us have many such happy days! I once again congratulate you on today’s auspicious holiday and wish you all health, family happiness and well-being to see your children and students grow up. Be healthy always, dear women!   Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University prof. Sh.S. Sharipov