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The Constitution is the basis of consistent democratic reforms.

The event held with the participation of professors and students of Samrakham University in connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was called as above. The event was opened by the rector of the university, Prof. J. Khusanov and he informed the participants of the event about the important steps in the creation of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the guarantee of human rights and freedoms in the Constitution, the priority tasks of the state policy regarding youth in the Constitution, as well as the role of the main legal document of our state. and gave explanations and information about its importance.After that, the vice-chancellor for academic affairs of the university Prakash Babu from India warmly congratulated the participants of the event on this date. He expressed his views and opinions on the prestige and prestige of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the world, the activities of its democratic institutions in building a populist and enlightened society. “More than a quarter of a century has passed since the adoption of our constitution. In today’s rapidly changing world, at a time when the scope and scale of globalization is expanding in the life of our people, it is a practice of the world that every democratic state changes its Constitution and introduces innovations based on the acute demands and needs of the time. The constitution of any country is not a dogmatic document. It is constantly improving and polishing,” says Kamoliddin Yusupov, a teacher of the Department of Philosophy, Education and Legal Education.   Today, if we analyze the role and importance of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the life of the state and our society, we can see that many of its articles are obsolete. In particular, according to our Constitution, it is stipulated that marriage should be carried out according to the mutual wishes and wishes of the parties. Here the question arises? Persons of the same sex can also register a marriage as parties. This is actually not prohibited by our Constitution adopted in 1992. Now the parties are defined strictly as husband and wife. Or Article 31 is called Freedom of Conscience. In fact, this word is a wrong translation of the Russian word svoboda sovesti. For example, attitude to religion is not determined by a person’s conscience, but by his faith. The concept of faith is much broader than the concept of conscience. Therefore, Article 31 is being strengthened as freedom of faith, not freedom of conscience.   For information, we remind you that the Republican Commission for receiving suggestions and recommendations from citizens and organizations on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been formed, and since June of this year, the draft Constitution has been put up for discussion, and the discussions are continuing. More than 200 amendments and additions to 64 articles of our Constitution are expected. Adoption of the new Constitution of Uzbekistan is carried out through a national referendum.