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A musical, poetic event dedicated to the work of A.A. Blok was organized at the university.

A musical and poetic event dedicated to the work of the great Russian poet A.A. Blok was organized by  the department of “Russian literature and its teaching methodology” of  Russian language and literature faculty  in cooperation with Information-Resource Center of JSPU. The event started with acting skills. The event was opened by Kim Oleg Alekseevich, professor of the department of Russian literature and its teaching methodology. In his speech, he spoke about the Silver Age, its origin and the influence of this period on the development of Russian poetry of the 20th century. After that, a presentation about A.Blok was shown, in which the life and work of the Russian poet was covered in detail. During the event, students read poems by A. Blok, S. Yesenin and other poets of the Silver Age. The event ended with a quiz about poets and writers of the early 20th century.