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We are against violence…

This is the name of the event held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. It is an integral part of our national values to pay respect to the breed of women, who are the lights of our families. Unfortunately, recently there have been many cases of humiliation and discrimination against women. The number of men who start quarrels and beat their spouses on trivial pretexts is increasing. In order to eliminate such situations, the fact that events are being held throughout our republic under the name “We are against violence” is a practical expression of our country’s care for women. The event held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University was devoted to this topical issue. According to the analysis, 33-50 percent of women around the world suffer from beatings and beatings by their husbands. This, in turn, shows that protection of the fairer sex from domestic crimes is the need of the hour. Most of the women who are subjected to violence and discrimination in the family say that there are financial and household difficulties in their lives, that their husbands are addicted to alcohol, they are worried about their livelihood, and they are irresponsible in raising children. The more we distance ourselves from our identity, our spirituality, and our national values, the more we insult the successors of our descendants, the more we oppress ourselves and our future. Those who spoke at the event touched upon these painful problems and emphasized that our highest goal should be to show respect to the female race, not to insult it. Senior Lieutenant S.Z.Abdulakimov, preventive inspector of the Internal Affairs Department of the city of Jizakh, also participated in the event, which was held under the name “We are against violence”.