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Vice Rector for Finance and Economics

Vice Rector for Finance and Economics

+(99872) 226-59-09



on Wednesdays: 14.00-15.00
on Fridays: 14.00-16.00

1990-1995 – Student of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute

1995-1997 – Leading engineer in the Department of Water Resources of Jizzakh region

1997-1997 – Leading economist of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources of Jizzakh region

1997-1998 – In military service

1998-2000 – Chief Specialist of the Inter-District Canal and Reservoir Operation Department of the Jizzakh Region Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

1999-2002 – Student of Tashkent State University of Economics

2000-2001 – Deputy of Chief Accountant of the specialized mobile mechanized column of “Uzmaxsussuvdrenaj”

2001-2004 – Accountant in the mechanized mobile column of the Interregional Southern Mirzachul Canal System Operation Department

2004-2006 – Chief Accountant-Expert of the Department of Budget Accounting, Reporting and Monitoring of Budget Organizations and Financial Bodies of the Finance Department of the Jizzakh Regional government

2006-2007 – Leading economist of the department “Financing of the social sphere and social protection” of the Finance Department of Jizzakh region

2007-2017 – Head of the sector “Budget accounting, reporting and monitoring over the status of budget organizations and financial bodies” of the Finance Department of Jizzakh region

2017-2019 – Chief Economist-Accountant Expert of the Department “Budget Execution Accounting and Reporting and Monitoring of Budget Organizations’ Accounting” of the Main Finance Department of the Jizzakh Regional government

2019-2020 – Deputy of the Governor of the Main Department of Finance of the Jizzakh regional administration

From June 2020 up to now – Vice-Rector for Finance and Economics of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute