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A meeting of three generations

Such a meeting was held at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Technological Education. “THREE GENERATION MEETING” organized in connection with the “Year of Honoring Human Values and Active Neighborhood” invited retired veteran teachers, former graduates and young students working in various fields today. The meeting was opened by the rector of the institute Sh. Sharipov. – It is gratifying that such spiritual and educational events, which embody history, present and future, are becoming a tradition at our university. The noble idea organized in connection with the “Year of Human Dignity and Active Neighborhood” reminded all of us of our unrepeatable, golden, student years and brought us together in this environment, says Sh. Sharipov, rector of the institute. In recent days, we are witnessing that the number of events with this name has increased, and they are being organized with special attention and at a high level. I am very pleased to see our honored teachers and former graduates at today’s meeting of three generations. I think that holding such events serves to introduce young people to the reforms being carried out in our country, good works for the well-being of the population, the achievements made in the field of creative work for the young generation, and the rich life experiences of the representatives of the older generation.   Also, during the event, a group of teachers, cocktail honorees, young students and former graduates spoke. They also expressed their warm wishes at this meeting held in high spirits. At the end of the night, the participants of the meeting got to know the activity of the faculty. Today, students saw the conditions created for young people, classrooms, workshops built for students’ independent activities, watched the lessons of the teachers, and expressed their gratitude to the organizers of the event. We would not be wrong to say that the good idea of the meeting was reflected in the admiration of the guests, and in the plans and sincere conversations of the hosts regarding new promising projects.