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A seminar was held on the topic “Fight against the spread of drugs among young people”

Humanity is reaching new heights of development. However, there are still some factors that threaten the future of peoples and nations in the world. One such issue that worries the world public today is the scourge of drug addiction. It is not for nothing that they describe it as the plague of the century, the scourge of life, the net of death. This risk causes hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, sexual and mental diseases, serious crimes, reduces the material, technical and intellectual potential of the country. Currently, within the framework of the implementation of a number of legal documents in our country, large-scale practical, preventive measures are being implemented among the population, especially parents and young people. In addition, the tradition of holding roundtable discussions, seminars, and meetings has been established in educational institutions. It would not be wrong to say that the seminar on “Fight against the spread of drugs among young people” and “Drug addiction-the plague of the century” held at the Palace of Culture of Jizzakh State Pedagogical university is a continuation of this tradition.   In addition to professors and teachers, students and young people, representatives of Jizzakh regional government, Department of Internal Affairs, Regional Department of Youth Affairs Agency, AIDS Center and Narcology doctors took part in the event. The event was opened by S. Nazarkasimov, vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational work, who spoke about drug addiction and its tragic consequences, and the need to always be aware of getting caught in this web. Also, those who spoke at the event talked about diseases that end in death due to drug addiction, combating the threat of drug addiction to the lives of young people, involving everyone in this work, and making the slogan “We are supporters of a healthy lifestyle” an integral part of everyone’s life. They emphasized that we are responsible for continuing and further developing the work. In order to prevent any disease, first of all, it is necessary to build up immunity in the body against it, – says vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual-educational work S. Nazarqosimov. It is important to further increase the effectiveness of propaganda work to prevent disaster. This event is also aimed at this goal. It provided detailed information about the work being carried out in the field, and showed a documentary film on the subject.