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The Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education for Information Technologies and Youth visited Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute.

Today, Deputy Minister of Higher Education for Information Technology and Youth Yusuf Absoatov got acquainted with the activities of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, in particular, the events being carried out under 5 initiatives. As you know, on October 30, 2020, the Presidential Decree “On measures for the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle and further development of mass sports” was signed. Along with walking, running, mini-football, cycling, badminton, streetball, “Workout” (makhalla and street fitness) is one of the priority sports in the development of mass sports and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the population. Today, people of all generations are striving to choose sports that allow for free movement and development. But not all citizens, especially students, can find the time or financial opportunity to go to a Fitness Center after study. The Workout area (makhalla and street fitness) was built at the Institute allows not only students, but also our compatriots, who are close to work and residence and can practice at any time without cost. Deputy Minister Yusuf Absoatov commented about the conditions created at the Workout site.   The student club “Izlanish” organized at the institute and has about 100 members. Most of them are young people who love literature and love the world of creativity. The uInstitution also has a Student Theater Studio. This place brought together young people who are fans of the stage. Among the students from Jizzakh, there are also many young people who are interested in the art of makom. An Ensemble of makom s was also formed to support them. The makom ensemble, which was organized on the initiative of the Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Sh.S. Sharipov, was named Eson Lutfullayev. The Deputy Minister of Higher Education Yusuf Absoatov`s  visit  ended with a meeting with members of the teaching staff of the institute, professors and teachers on the ongoing reforms in the education system, the work done on the decrees and resolutions of the President.