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Institute and neighborhood: the partnership continues

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after A. Qadiri, Faculty of Physical Culture, based on the principle of “One educated person is spiritual sponsor to one neighborhood” in order to support young people in the Saray neighborhood of Bakhmal district, a practical, spiritual and educational program on the topic “We are together with the youth” held an event. 30 general education schools in the territory of Saray MFY of Bakhmal district were overcrowded from early morning on this day, if we are not mistaken. First, professors and teachers of the Faculty of Physical Culture organized a meeting with the graduating students of the educational institution. Jakhongir Zakirov, who recently became the world boxing champion, also took part in the event. At the meeting, young people not only got answers to their questions, but also got more detailed information about the conditions created at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute for free training courses. In the second half of the day, the team of the institute conducted a conversation with the women and unorganized youth included in the “Women’s register” and “Youth register” of the neighborhood. After that, the artistic program organized in connection with the holiday was shown. Everyone enjoyed the musical performances of G. Khudoinazarov and the team of the Faculty of Arts.