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A festive event was held in connection with “March 8 – International Women’s Day”.

A group of teachers and staff was awarded with valuable gifts. In connection with March 8 International Women’s Day and as a sign of respect for women, the committee of trade unions of the university and the management held a festive event. The event was attended by the rector of the university and the hardworking and kind employees who serve together with professors and teachers.   Rector of the university Sh. Sharipov congratulated the women who serve in a hard and at the same time honorable profession with a holiday and presented holiday gifts and certificates of honor to a group of active employees. Also, on the eve of the holiday, valuable gifts organized by the university trade union and management were handed over to the winning teams and active participants in sports competitions held among women. – When I listen to their sincere confessions to mothers and women, I imagine Uzbek mothers who told their children lying in the crib at night, read fairy tales to several children without saying “I’m tired”, and planted the seeds of goodness in their hearts. I am proud of our teachers who are teaching the children of the nation to read and write, of our female students who are winning in the world arenas and raising the flag of the country, with books in their hands, who are achieving many achievements in science. I am proud of our young scholars. They say that a woman’s heart overflows with feelings of love and sincerity. I believe that as long as you have this noble feeling burning in your heart, you will achieve happiness with your zeal and enthusiasm in any work you undertake. A country with a lot of happy women and happy mothers does not lose its value. Dear women, don’t lose your strength, don’t lose your dignity, says Rector of the university Sh. Sharipov After the awarding part of the ceremony, the artistic part continued in a cheerful mood. They made themselves and their colleagues happy by reciting poetry, singing, dancing.

Although the concert program, which has become a tradition and is prepared creatively for every event and holiday, was presented as a holiday gift by the artistic team of the university, everyone’s mood was raised to the maximum level. They took the festive mood with them even to their homes.

At the end of the event, which started in an unusual way, flowers were distributed to all the women to the sound of music. The joy in their eyes and smiles on their faces created the basis for the positive mood of the event.