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Happy 60th birthday, teacher.

“Shakir Nizomov is a man worthy of respect who taught young people at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University for almost 40 years, invested all his knowledge and strength in increasing the cognitive potential of young people, always helped their upbringing, took the care of colleagues and students as his concern, allowed them to always be mentors, guides, confidants in every issue, as well as nurtured 3 children” says university rector Sh. Sharipov.

At the moment, the teacher works as a senior teacher of the Department of Technological Education and Fine Arts of the Faculty of Physics and Technological Education.

His students, friends and colleagues were invited to the ball party organized by the Faculty of Physics and Technological Education of JSPU to congratulate the teacher on his 60th birthday. Those who spoke in it expressed their opinion about the life and work of the teacher and his good deeds. The festive event continued with the “Samples of Students’ Art” exhibition and the “PODIUM” clothing exhibition.