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G.N.Alibekova Teacher, Jizzakh state pedagogical institute N.A.Uralova Teacher, Jizzakh state pedagogical institute   Abstract. The research paper investigates general tendencies in world and national education, and also both principles and methods of forming professional, communicative, intercultural competences and in the process of teaching foreign language for professional purposes in the conditions of engineering, economic and other non-linguistic specialties at technical university. Moreover, this article discusses some essential issues of this competence including awareness of pedagogical values, the construction of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication and behavior; pedagogical technology, its essence, structural components, understanding of innovative components of professional activity, requirements for the design and engineering of pedagogical technologies. Key words: teaching foreign language, education, pedagogical process, language teaching, communicative competence, foreign language for professional purposes.   РОЛЬ КОММУНИКАТИВНОЙ КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ ДЛЯ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ ЦЕЛЕЙ       Aннотация: В статье исследуются общие тенденции в мировом и отечественном образовании, а также принципы и методы формирования профессиональных, коммуникативных, межкультурных компетенций и в процессе обучения иностранному языку в профессиональных целях в условиях инженерных, экономических и других неязыковых специальностей. в техническом университете. Более того, в данной статье рассматриваются некоторые существенные вопросы этой компетенции, в том числе осознание педагогических ценностей, построение педагогического процесса, педагогическое общение и поведение; педагогическая технология, ее сущность, структурные компоненты, понимание инновационных компонентов профессиональной деятельности, требования к проектированию и разработке педагогических технологий. Ключевые слова: обучение иностранному языку, образование, педагогический процесс, обучение языку, коммуникативная компетенция, иностранный язык для профессиональных целей.   KASBIY MAQSADLARDA CHET TILINI O‘QITISHDA KOMMUNIKATIV KOMPETENSIYANING O‘RNI.       Annotatsiya: Ushbu tadqiqot maqsadi jahon va milliy ta’limda umumiy tendentsiyalarni tadqiq qilish va muhandislik, iqtisodiy va boshqa tilga oid bo‘lmagan mutaxassisliklar sharoitida kasbiy, kommunikativ, madaniyatlararo kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish hamda chet tilini kasbiy maqsadlarda o‘qitish jarayonida  tamoyil va uslublar haqida so’z yuritadi. Shuningdek,   ushbu maqolada kommunikativ  kompetentsiyaning ba’zi muhim masalalari, jumladan, pedagogik qadriyatlarni anglash, pedagogik jarayonni qurish, pedagogik muloqot va xatti-harakatlar; pedagogik texnologiya, uning mohiyati, tarkibiy qismlari, kasbiy faoliyatning innovatsion tarkibiy qismlarini tushunish, pedagogik texnologiyalarni loyihalashga qo’yiladigan talablar haqida muhokama qilinadi. Kalit so’zlar: chet tilini o’qitish, ta’lim, pedagogik jarayon, til o’rgatish, kommunikativ kompetentsiya, kasbiy maqsadlarda chet tili. The main task of  it  is to train high-class professionals – specialists of a new formation, capable of independent highly qualified activities and focused on further increasing professional competence. The particular importance in this regard is the problem of effective business communication, which began to be considered in society not only at the end of the twentieth century in connection with changes in the internal and external political but also economic, social, and legal situation [8]. The study of foreign languages ​​in modern society is becoming an integral part of the professional training of specialists in various fields, and their further career growth may largely depend on the degree of their language training. Consequently, the university must provide a certain level of foreign language proficiency [5], however, one should not forget that the success of training largely depends on the methodology of the foreign language teacher in the context of solving specific educational problems. Learning a foreign language contributes to the development of communicative competence, forms the student’s ability to use it as a communication tool, which is especially appreciated today among graduates of universities [2]. At the center of the educational process should be activities aimed at developing the skills and abilities to communicate in a foreign language in a professional context [1]. Its goal is to form and improve the communication skills and abilities of students studying business English, that is, the ability to communicate through a foreign language in various situations in the process of professional interaction with other participants in communication, for example, on topics such as Job Interview, Presentations, Business Meetings, Negotiations [3]. This will allow, due to a plausible context and strengthening the problem element, which contributes to the development of the mechanisms of thinking and reasoned discursive skills of the student, to enable students to put into practice the formed communication skills to solve specific problems in real business communication [7]. For high school students, a foreign language should become a reliable means of introducing them to scientific and technological progress, a means of satisfying cognitive interests. Therefore, in the upper grades, naturally, there is an expansion and deepening of topics due to regional studies, general humanitarian or technical material, focused on the future specialty of students. Knowledge of foreign languages, in particular at least one of them, is an indispensable condition for a person’s success in modern society. Proficiency in foreign languages ​​contributes to the understanding of culture, tours, customs, mentality of other people. It is easier for a person who speaks at least one foreign language to adapt to another society, which is important with the ever-expanding cultural and business ties in the modern world [5]. Today, it is much easier to realize oneself professionally by speaking a foreign language, as employers prefer workers who already have the necessary knowledge, rather than those who need to be trained. The opportunity to know another world while traveling and relaxing also increases when a person speaks a foreign language [2]. In the sphere of interpersonal relations in the dialogue of cultures, English, in particular, being the language of international communication today, plays an important role, which is due to the needs of social and working life and the informatization of society as a whole. Learning a foreign language, students overcome the cultural, linguistic distance, reach a new level of intercultural development [8]. The language – English, being one of the most popular in the world, is the international language of scientific and technological progress, knowing which you can feel extremely comfortable in any country in the world. Knowing English, a person can safely travel around different countries without fear of being without an interpreter, communicate with their foreign business partners without any problems, make new acquaintances, work and study in educational institutions of absolutely any country in the world In the learning process, it is possible to single out some tasks that ensure the formation and improvement of professional communication in a foreign language:
  • updating the knowledge of units and grammatical rules;
  • formation of the ability to choose and use adequate language norms depending on the purpose and situation of communication;
  • improving the ability to understand various types of communicative statements, as well as to build coherent, coherent and logical statements;
  • development of abilities to choose verbal and non-verbal means in case of communicative failure;
  • expanding knowledge about the sociocultural characteristics of the representatives of the countries of the studied language, their traditions and norms of speech behavior, as well as the formation of the ability to understand and adequately use them in the process of communication, while remaining the bearer of their culture [7].
It should be  noted that according to the idea of  Zamyatina N. A., Zbarskaya A. V., Tsunaeva Yu. O –  “The development of students’ communicative competence in the process of teaching business communication while studying a foreign language in a non-linguistic university”[6]. One of the main requirements of a modern program in foreign languages ​​for non-linguistic universities is the implementation of communicative competence in the learning process. The goal of teaching a foreign language is not only business communication in four interrelated types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading and writing), but also mastering the language as a means of expressing one’s thoughts. At the same time, the modern concept of teaching foreign languages ​​at a university is to comply with the requirements of the basic standard and is communicative in purpose and technology. The scientific and theoretical foundations for the communicative-activity approach were laid in the works of domestic and foreign scientists (I.L. Bim, I.A. Zimnyaya, G.A. Kitaygorodskaya, A.N. Leontiev, Yu.I. Passov, V. L. Skalkina, H. Douglas, Jack C. Richards and others). The communicative technique provides for the maximum immersion of the student in the language process, the main goal of this technique is to teach the student to speak English fluently first, and then to think in it. The possibilities of implementing a communicative approach in a specialized university are significantly higher than in a non-linguistic educational institution. Each language is so rich that in different situations, a person uses only a certain part of its capabilities, and their choice that limited by the form of speech, the conditions of speech, the purpose and objectives of communication. The successful solution of these problems largely depends on the ability to use language, i.e. master the language and its rich possibilities. In progress speech communication, people use the means of language (its vocabulary and grammar) to build statements that would be understandable addressee. However, knowledge of vocabulary and grammar alone is not enough to successful communication in this language. It is   necessary that   knowing more terms for using of certain language units and their combinations [7]. Otherwise speaking, in addition to proper grammar, it is necessary to learn «situational grammar», which prescribes the use of language not only in accordance with the meaning of lexical units and the rules of their combinations in a sentence, but also depending on the nature of the relationship between the speaker and the addressee, on the purpose of communication and on other factors knowledge of which, together with proper linguistic knowledge and  constitutes the communicative competence of a person. With considering situations of communication, social, psychological, information circumstances, the choice of communication means, communication activity are made. Naturally, communication assumes that the partners have a certain stock of common prior knowledge of the world and communication skills [8]. Student-centered teaching of a foreign language should meet a number of requirements: to be dialogic, to be of an activity-creative nature, to be aimed at supporting the individual development of the learner, to provide learning with the necessary freedom for making independent decisions, freedom of creativity, choice content and methods of teaching and behavior [9,10].   Individual research work of students can be conditionally divided into two groups:
  1. work of the abstract plan;
  2. independent scientific projects involving surveys, questioning; conducting experiments; instrument design, etc.
Works of the first category, as a rule, are presented by first-year students who do not yet have knowledge in specialized subjects. Abstract work is an important stage in the formation of communicative competence, as it includes reading, translation, analysis  and preparation of a summary (brief summary, generalization) of authentic texts, which contributes to  immersion in the language environment, forming various elements of the ICT [8]. To achieve this goal  at present, work with text should be carried out in the classroom, since with the development of technology, translation becomes a matter of several “clicks”. The actual research activity includes a comparison of different points of view on the problem, the development and formulation of one’s own position. The topics of such essays are diverse: the culture of countries or the language being studied, environmental problems, prospects for the development of new energy sources, etc. Special attention is paid to the competencies are  associated with the preparation and conduct of presentations in a foreign language, including the competence of self-presentation, understood as “the ability to choose and implement the necessary technique for forming and broadcasting one’s own positive image in a specific communicative situation” [6]. Independent projects necessarily including in  abstract part, however, the core of the work is the result of scientific research, most often associated with the direction and profile of student learning. The curator of such activities is a teacher in the leading discipline. As a rule, the role of classes in a foreign language is to form communicative competence based on experience with authentic texts, preparation for a presentation in a foreign language, and design of scientific articles [10]. In our opinion, students of technical universities should be given the opportunity to develop communicative competence at a new level and offer linguocultural problems related to business and personal intercultural communication as a subject of study. Such an experience is especially interesting in a university where students from different countries of the world study. It is no secret that in a non-linguistic university, when studying a foreign language, a number of difficulties arise due to the following factors [3,6,9]:
  1. the emphasis of teaching is on professional disciplines to which a foreign language does not belong. When studying a foreign language, as well as other non-core disciplines, most students have only external motivation;
  2. the students with different levels of foreign language proficiency often study in the same group, as a result of which the motivation of strong students decreases, and there is a lack of interests of the weak ones;
  3. the limited number of hours allocated for the study of a foreign language in a non-linguistic university does not allow mastering it at the proper level [9].
The scientific novelty of the  research is that:
  • such concepts as «communicative competence», «communicative skills», «components of communicative competence» are concretized;
  • the formative and developing potential of communicatively-oriented teaching of foreign languages, interactive forms of education that increase the level of motivation in learning a foreign language and activate the process of forming the communicative competence of high school students have been proven;
  • the didactic principles aimed at the formation of communicative competence in the conditions of communicatively oriented teaching of a foreign language are defined;
  • a methodology for the formation of communicative competence of students in the conditions of communicative-oriented learning is presented, practical recommendations for teachers on the formation of communicative competence (on the material of the English language) are presented;
  • the pedagogical conditions are presented that contribute to the formation of the communicative competence of high school students in the process of teaching a foreign language [10].
The development of the language culture in students of describing the realities of life in a foreign language; the formation of students’ ideas about the dialogue of cultures as a non-alternative philosophy of life in the modern world, which should be characterized by a readiness to comprehend the sociocultural portrait of the countries of the language being studied as part of civilization, cultural self-development, ethnic, racial and social tolerance, speech tact and sociocultural politeness, a tendency to the search for non-violent ways of resolving conflicts; preparing schoolchildren to perform international tests to determine the level of foreign language proficiency. In conclusion, we want to note that attracting students to the art of business communication aims not only to form their verbal culture, but also contributes to the development of activity, initiative, and the ability to effectively defend personal interests using speech. To solve this problem, it is expedient, in our opinion, to use a foreign language as an academic discipline as a means of developing business communication skills. The personality and professional competence of a specialist is the «cumulative product» of all pedagogical systems that operate and interact in higher education. Each of them, fulfilling its special purpose, is a component of an integral system for the formation of a student’s personality as a future professional.   REFERENCE
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