Devonkhana department

The head of the department of the office:
Saidullayev Oybek Bakhriddin ogli
Phone: +(99872) 226 46 56
Fax: (0372) 226 46 56
Email address:
Reception days: Monday – Saturday 09:00-18:00

Khakimova Dilorom Tirkashevna
Phone: +(99872) 226 46 56

Ochilova Khurshida Shukhratovna
Phone: +(99872) 226 46 56

Allunboyev Obidjon Nurullo son
Head of department
Phone: +(99872) 226 09 16

Tuychieva Nargiza Nuriddinovna
Phone: +(99872) 226 09 16
The goals and tasks of the department:
- Organization of proper accounting of documents from higher education universitions, their timely recording and handing over to executors;
- Ensuring the correct formalization of documents issued by the higher university education;
- Receiving documents in the name of the rector, submitting them for registration and notification
- Sending documents for execution in accordance with the instructions of the rector;
- Checking that the documents to be sent with the signature of the rector (vice-rector) are recorded and properly formalized;
- Taking into account the incoming letters, printing forms with the details of the higher university education;
- Stitching of executed documents into collective folders;
- Formalization of completed documents for archiving. To know the organization of work, the procedure and condition of the list of collective files, the lists of permanent and temporary stored collective files, the terms and procedure of submitting collective files to the archive, laws related to the activity of the office, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Education To know the meaning of decisions, orders, orders of the rector of the higher university education, to know the annual and perspective plans of the higher university education.
- Professional and organizational skills necessary for a management position in higher university education, leadership experience and seniority in the field of education, relevant knowledge and skills within the scope of the type of activity and powers;
- Possessing exemplary personal qualities – intelligence, civility, leadership, creative abilities, politeness, organization, initiative and entrepreneurial skills, sense of respo nsibility, independent decision-making and work, decisive action, achievement of strategic goals of the university to have the characteristics of provision;
- Receiving letters and documents addressed to the higher university education from the Ministry’s office, other family university education, communication departments, as well as delivering the documents to the indicated places;
- Check that the documents are in accordance with the numbers placed in the notebooks when receiving them;
- Checking the presence of applications in case of receipt of mail that is not placed in folders
- According to the instructions of the rector, hand over the documents to the executors on time by signing a special notebook. It is necessary to know the Regulations, instructions and regulatory documents, internal procedures and regulatory documents of the Higher University Education related to their activities.
- To have exemplary personal qualities – intelligence, cultured, creative abilities, politeness and initiative skills;
- Ensuring the maintenance of documents according to the nomenclature of the educational and methodological department;
- Preparation of orders, draft decisions, service letters and similar documents related to the activity of the educational and methodological department, formalizing them in the prescribed manner and organizing their sending to relevant organizations;
- Keeping a special book about citizens who applied to the educational and methodological department
- Organization of registration of documents received by the educational and methodological department;
- Timely delivery of assignments and documents received from other departments of the university to the head;
- receiving and sending phonegrams, modemgrams;
- preparation of minutes of the meeting;
- Printing, reproduction and registration of documents related to the educational and methodological department
- Observance of sanitary-hygiene rules and cleanliness of the room where they work. Knowledge of internal labor regulations and guidelines, labor protection, safety equipment, industrial sanitation and fire protection rules and regulations.
- Must have mastered working on a computer, writing, rules of orthography and punctuation, the order of placing material when printing various documents, the rules of printing business letters using sample forms.

The main tasks of the departmental archive:
- It is established as a departmental archival division of JDPU named after Abdulla Qadiri, which reports to the rector of JDPU named after Abdulla Qadiri.
- The departmental archive conducts its work in accordance with the plan approved by the head of the office of the University and reports to him on its activities.
- Registration, storage and use, systematization of documents
- Separation of permanent and temporary documents
- Destruction of documents that have expired for storage and submission to the state archive
- Based on the documents in the archive, issuing an archival reference, clarifying the storage terms, giving the documents a stock order number.
- Acceptance of completed documents on business administration from structural departments.
- Participation in the development of the nomenclature of collective volumes of the Higher University Education, checking that the documents submitted to the archive are correctly compiled and formalized
- Monitoring the preservation of the archive room based on the rules, taking measures against fire, providing extracts, copies, information based on archive documents, answering questionnaires.
- Monitor the heating system, means of communication, participate in the development of the nomenclature of collective volumes, control the submission of completed documents to the archive, develop the operating instructions for submitting the specified report on time, receive SAC documents, fail the test acceptance of applicants’ documents.
Main services:
- Prepares and submits the specified documents, as well as the insurance copies of the documents considered extremely valuable, to the appropriate state archive for permanent storage within the time limits set by the regulation.
- Organizes the process of using the documents stored in the archive and provides references, copies and extracts of documents in the prescribed manner, and keeps records of the use of documents
- Participates in events for improving the skills and retraining of employees of the archive and clerical service
- Checking the existence and condition of collective folders, search of documents.
- It ensures the storage of documents received in the archive.
- The organization requires that the documents be submitted in a timely manner from its structural divisions and organizations that are considered sources of aggregation.
- The sources of information collection necessary for the work of the archive are requested from the organizations
- Our archive agency participates in events organized by the Jizzakh Regional Archive Department on archival work and administration.