Law service department

Senior legal advisor of the legal service department:
Alikulov Abdurashid Yuldashevich
Phone: +(99893) 309 18 11
Fax: (0372) 226 46 56
Email address:
Reception days: Monday – Saturday 09:00-18:00

Legal advisor
Abdurahmanov Fakhriddin Tursunovich
Phone: +(99897) 482 02 68
Fax: (0372) 226 46 56
Email address:
Reception days: Monday – Saturday 09:00-18:00
The main functions and tasks of the legal service:
- Legal service is an independent structural system or position that is established or introduced in a mandatory manner in accordance with the norms and criteria established by legislation in order to legally ensure the activities of state bodies and organizations
- The legal service can be organized in the form of a legal department, a legal bureau, or consist of a chief lawyer.
- It is not allowed to reduce the existing staff units of the legal service and redistribute them to other structural establishments of the state body and organization.
- In its activities, the legal service complies with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the decisions of the chambers of the “Oliy Majlis” of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- A person with a higher legal education can work as a legal service employee or legal adviser.
- A person with a higher legal education and at least two years of work experience in a legal specialty is appointed to the position of head of the legal service.
- Persons appointed to the position of a legal service employee for the first time undergo an internship in judicial bodies in accordance with the established procedure.
- The procedure for internship in judicial bodies is determined by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Employees of the legal service of regional and Tashkent city administrations, as well as state bodies and organizations at the republican level, are appointed and released in agreement with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- organization of ensuring rule of law and legality in law enforcement activities of state bodies and organizations
- control over the compliance with the legislation of drafts of normative-legal and other documents developed (adopted) by the state body and organization
- participation in the law-making activities of state bodies and organizations, coordination of the work of their structures in matters of preparation of proposals for the improvement of legislation
- to increase the legal culture and legal literacy of employees of state bodies and organizations, to participate in conveying to them the content and importance of the adopted regulatory legal documents, including through modern information and communication technologies
- conducting contractual – legal and application – lawsuit proceedings, ensuring reliable protection of property and other interests of the state body and organization.