Women’s Council

Chairwoman of the Advisory Council on Women’s Issues, Adviser to the Rector:
Кasimova Zumrad Rahmatovna
Telephone: +(99899) 158 14 55
Office hours: Monday— Saturday, 14:00 – 17:00
Email address: zumradkasimova1962@gmail.com
Chairpersons of women’s councils work in 13 faculties of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. In accordance with the decision of the academic council of the university, the chairman of the women’s council of the university and the chairmen of the women’s council of all faculties are paid an additional bonus based on the internal possibility. According to the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 326 of June 17, 2020 the chairman of the women’s council of the university was given as the status of advisor to the rector on women’s issues of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and according to the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 13, 2021 No. 518the chairmen of the women’s council of faculties were given as the status of adviser to the dean on women’s issues. Today, more than 900 women work in the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after Abdulla Qadiri. Also, 4 out of 13 faculties are headed by female professors, more than 10 departments and departments are headed by female professors. The number of our female students is 7969, of which 1195 are married girls. The University Women’s Council has a charter and operates according to this charter. The Women’s Council as a public organization conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Non-Governmental Non-Commercial Organizations”, “On Public Associations in the Republic of Uzbekistan” and conducts in accordance with other laws regulating non-governmental non-profit organizations.
University Women’s Council works for the purpose of strengthening the activity of female professors, teachers, employees and students in solving tasks in the political, social and economic spheres in society, supporting women in every way, improving their socio-economic situation, protecting their rights and interests to do and provide, to improve their professional skills, to strengthen family relations based on our national and spiritual values, to make young people morally sound, ideological fighters, well-rounded people who will spare no effort for the stability and development of the nation and the state, educating and forming a healthy lifestyle. The council in cooperation with the Committee of the Trade Union and “Ibn Sino” Health Center carries out activities aimed at forming a healthy lifestyle in the family, staying away from negative diseases, improving the reproductive health of professors, employees and female students, protecting motherhood and childhood, adequately expressing their interest and need for culture and sports.Our state should fundamentally change the situation of women in society and family, properly organize their work and life, establish the types of work convenient for women, strengthen their health, and provide them with a home for their work. It has become one of our main tasks to create the necessary conditions for them to rationally carry out their work with active participation in social production. At this point, I draw attention to the following words of President Shavkat Mirziyoev: “Ensuring the rights and interests of women in Uzbekistan, creating decent working and living conditions for them, realizing their abilities and potential is a matter of state rose to the level of politics”. In fact, in our country, women’s issues have risen to the level of state policy, wide opportunities have been created for their active participation in all spheres of public life. Today, women are appearing as one of the active forces in the democratic changes taking place in our country. Women and girls not only make up more than half of the citizens of our society, but they are the majority in all spheres of social life. Today’s modern technologies, knowing the secrets of computers, mastering world languages, translation, accounting, and the fields of accounting have a significant presence of women.